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strong reminder rn that this whole fic is getting a revise when I've finished it. Only a couple chapters left 🤭

"Red, the healer sent the results." Sirius jumped into the seat beside her, kicking his feet over her lap and Remus sat on the arm of the couch, placing a tray of tea and biscuits on the table.

Dawna would never get over the fact on how British Remus could sometimes be. Mugs with funny muggle sayings, overkill on the milk, he'd chat with his neighbours over the garden fence. Dawna would hide behind him as he did so, not liking when they'd talk to her.

"Can I open them?" Sirius asked and Dawna nodded and laughed.
"Of course Sirius."

So he did. Remus and Dawna watched him apprehensively as he scanned the pristine bit of paper.

Dawna couldn't read anything on the elders face and she felt terrified. She'd have to go back to her parents if things were bad, she liked it here. She didn't want fo go back.

She felt Remus' hand slide over her shoulder in a comforting way and Dawna lifted her own hand and placed it over his, dropping her head sideways as Sirius looked up from the parchment.

"So?" She asked when he gave no hint to what the paper said.

And then he smiled.

And that smile changed everything for Dawna.

"You're good. You're great. Healthy as a pea." Sirius told her and Dawna practically leaped out of her seat, jumping up and down with a happy laugh on the couch.

She kicked Sirius.

"I'm staying here!"

She turned to Remus and grabbed his hands.

"Im staying here!" She repeated and Remus laughed with her, holding her hands tight and staring up at her with a happiness that was unrepeatable, "I could break out into song." She laughed, holding onto one of Remus' hands as she jumped off the sofa and landed on the floor with a soft thud.

"Please don't." Remus told her, all of then having seem her poor singing skills only the night before.

"Oh you love it." Dawna teased, letting go of his hand and pulling Sirius to his feet, "get the thing, the- the- oh what is it?"
"Yes!" She shoved him towards the kitchen, "That!"

Sirius laughed and nodded.
"Alright alright." He dissappeared into the kitchen ans Dawna spun to look at Remus who was already looking back at her.

"I'm so happy Remus." She told him and grabbed his hands, pulling him to his feet. "Are you happy?"
"Of course I'm happy Red. I'm so unbelievably happy." Remus told her, looking down at her his hands holding hers indefinitely. He wasn't sure he ever wanted to let go, like if he did she'd run and run and run.

"I'm glad." She began to sway their arms to a soundless beat in her mind as she heard the glasses chink in the kitchen, "I'm glad I'm here with you. You and Sirius." She told him and she pushed herself onto her tiptoes and her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him down into a tight hug, "I love you guys." She whispered as Remus arms enclosed around her waist, holding her close.

"I-" Remus paused his words as his nose pressed into her shoulder and he shut his eyes.

Dawna could feel his heart beat against her chest, the speed of it startling. But zhe said nothing and just held him, she stared up at the ceiling when her shoulders started shaking and he breaths got short and raspy.

"Red? Are you crying?" Remus asked and he tried to pull from the hug but Dawna just held him tight, not letting him and she let out a wet laugh.

"I'm okay Remus. I'm okay." She sobbed and pressed her face into the side of his, his hair tickling her nose. "Im so okay."

"Oh no why are we all crying?" Sirius asked as he walked back in,
Dawna reeled back and looked at  Remus in the face and she was horrified. He was crying too.

"Oh my Helga Hufflepuff, why are you crying Remus?" She asked, contradicting her own tear streaked face as she wiped at his cheeks with her thumbs, barely noticing the grooves from the scars under her fingers.

"Oh I'm happy that's it." Remus told her and Dawna rolled her eyes.

"Oh shut up." She laughed and pushed his face away and they fell apart, his hand moving into his pockets and Dawnas grabbed at a champagne glass.

"Alright lovebirds, time for a toast."

Remus rolled his eyes at Sirius' words and took a glass himself as he sat back down on the arm of the sofa.
"Go on then Pads."

Sirius blinked blankly at the pair before he lifted his glass with a grin,
"To the ginger gremlin who is no longer a pretty cat."

Dawna faked offence but lifted her glass aswell,

"Cheers." Remus shook his head.

They a took a drink and Dawnas ended up all over Sirius' face and the glass on the carpeted floor.

"That is gross. That is so bad." She coughed and picked up a warm mug of over milked tea anx took large gulps  "Even Remus' tea is better then that."

"Have you ever actually drank alcohol Red?" Sirius asked as he walked towards the record player and put on a Bowie record.

"No, I was fifteen Sirius." She told him and he grinned mischievously at her.

"We have alot to introduce you too."

"I think you'd like firewhiskey." Remus told her as ahe sat back beside him and pulled her feet up and dropped hee dress over her knees. Her head rested on Remus' leg and she looked up at him.
His hand rested ontop of her head, his fingers threading into her hair.


the case of dawna flynn - r.j lupinWhere stories live. Discover now