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It wasn't long before they trekked back to Hogwarts and by how often she was carried on ones shoulder, many assumed she was a lazy cat. But she was offered to be carried alot so she'd take the chance whenever.
She was laid across Remus' shoulders once again with her eyes shut.

When they mentioned Sirius being a dog she was up and over on his shoulders. Her suspicions were right and she just now desperately needed him to shift so she could speak to him and from then, she stuck to him like glue.

She turned as Remus came out of the whole with Pettigrew and watched them and at the same time as Hermione she noticed the full moon and she was off Sirius' shoulders in seconds and was bounding towards Remus.

"Harry!" Hermione called and Sirius was with Remus in an instant aswell. Red had never seen Remus change and it was terrifying. She almost backed off but it was her friend and she pushed at his face gently to try and help Sirius' pleas.
"You know the man you truly are Remus! This heart is who you truly are!" She watched as Sirius hit uselessy on the mans chest. "Here!"

Remus worsened and Sirius ushered Red from Remus' shoulders to his own before letting her down on the floor.

Red watched on in fear as Remus changed and Sirius tried to help. When the man yelled run Red tried to help round the children back toward the castle but they wouldn't move. And the  Sirius was off the side of the mountain and she dashed to the side in a panic. He couldn't be dead. No. Red paced the side of the cliff anxiously and had to duck when a big black dog shot over her and she followed as he pounced on Remus. As a cat, there wasn't much she could do against a werewolf so she followed and observed and she felt utterly useless. She wanted to help her fiends.

Pacing back and forth infront of Severus and the trio was what she done and Hermione had attempted to soothe her but her attempts were short lived because when they heard a howl come from the forest, Red raced forwards to where she watched Remus and Sirius go and flew past Harry towards the injured dog and she could have coughed up a furball at the sight.

Sirius look completely savaged as he lay bleeding and scarily still.

The cat came up to his side and nudged at the dogs head gently.
'Sirius, come on wake up.' The cat urged and she jumped for joy as he stirred and Sirius let out a groan as he sat up.
'Thank god you're okay, we need to chase Remus before he hurts someone.'

The shaggy dog looked around, confused and Red swatted at the dogs nose and he looked down at her.

'Sirius, its me, Red.' The cat spoke and Sirius looked panicked.
'Red? Why can I understand you? You're a cat. An actual cat.'
'I am an animagus Sirius.'
'how? were you one this whole tim-'
Red had to cut him off.
'there's time for questions later. We need to go after Remus.'

That seemed to snap Sirius out of his confusion and he transformed back and stood up and began walking when he realised Red was still a cat. He stopped.
"Why aren't you changing?" Sirius asked and the cat just stared up at him hopelessly and it hit him. "You can't can you?" He asked and the cat meowed up at him. "I'm gonna need you to stay up here then-" The cat let out a noise of protest and tried to walk forward but Sirius stuck out his foot, stopping the cat. Red looked up at him and he shook his head.

"I hate to say it Red, but you're nit much use as a cat. I need you to go back to Hogwarts with Harry and the others" He said and the cat glanced out at the forest then back at him. "I'll get him back safe, don't worry." Sirius reassured and the cat brushed up against his leg affectionately before she turned and shot back up the way she came, slowing as she passed Harry to stop him before realising there wasn't much she could do to actually stop him so her speed picked up as she got back to the others who were slowly making their way back up with Ron between them.

Severus looked down at her as she walked beside them and stuck his hand out to her with a nod and she jumped up and climbed up onto his shoulder and sat upon it. Despite the Marauders bad tastea towards Severus Snape and the tension between Remus and Severus since he begun teaching at the school, Red prided herself on her civility with the potions professor.

Their civility wasn't one that was particularly strong and she'd choose and defend her actual friends over Severus any day, as she presented back in the Shrieking Shack.

Severus carried her back to the castle and she jumped off his shoulder when they got to the Hospital Wing and she jumped up and laid in the still present cat bed.

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