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Last night was Remus' most important night with Red. It was the last night everything would be certain, the last night with his Red, not the Red she could become or the Red she'd no longer be.

The next morning the pair slept in past noon, Remus laid bare-chested with Red snoozing quietly ontop of him. Remus woke up first and he watched the cat sadly. He'd never wake up like this again, he thought. There'd be no more tired mornings with a red cat laid over his stomach and chest. No more idle company as he drank his coffee or read his books. Noone to keep him in check.

There was Sirius of course, as human and as the black shaggy dog but Remus knew it wouldn't quite be the same as now. Yes he would have someone to keep him in check, the company when he drank his coffee or read his book and if he asked he waa sure Sirius would sleep at the black dog and wake up laid across his chest and stomach. But it wouldn't be the same. Red and Sirius Black were different people.

He offered the cat a pained smile as her green eyes fluttered open tiredly a little past one.

"Morning kitty." He hummed and he lifted a hand and pet her head gently  she meowed at him and pressed her head into his hand as a sign of affection and he felt his eyes sting with tears.

Red sat up, evidently worried. Remus sat up after her and he took her head into his hands lovingly.

"I'm okay dear Red, just preparing myself for the worst." Red meowed up at him and sat up tall, pushing her head into his eyes to try get rid of the tears. He laughed gently. "You never deserved this."

You would have never met her if this didn't happen.  He thought but he would have risked this for her to live a nice, happy and normal life.

Sirius had burst through the door without knocking and both of them jumped at the sound. Remus glared at him. Sirius had been staying with Harry most mights since he'd heen allowed to roam without Remus.

"Guys! Everythings ready. We should really get this done sooner then later." Sirius told them and smiled over at the pair on the bed. "Eveyones here, we're just waiting on you both. Take your time." Sirius shut the door behind him.
Remus sighed as Red got up and jumped off the bed and onto the small divan seat beside the door.

Remus slipped out of bed and Red watched him until he began to take his trousers done to which she turned away for. Remus changed into simple blue jeans, a stripy green, yellow and blue tshirt and a beige knitwear jumper that was a little too big on him. He also threw on a little to large tweed jacket. The outfit was a little mismatched but he didn't care much for presentation today.

He ran a hand through his hair to tame it before he scooped Red onto his shoulders, grabbed his wand and left the room.

What made it harder for Remus was that he knew he'd loose Red after this. Not just the cat but as a whole. Dawna Flynn would go with her parents and he hoped that they would stay in contact but there was no telling.

Remus walked into the infirmary and eveyone was already there. Dumbledore, Minnie, Poppy and Fester were all stood by the door of the office where the spell would be performed. Harry and Sirius were sat upon one of the many beds in the infirmary. Them Remus looked at the other bed that held other people and he was a little stunned at the sight of a rather sick looking Jane Malibu and Reds parents.

Jane was the first to speak.

"Dawna? Is that Dawna who walked in?" She asked but she was looking a little off to the right, Remus stepped towards her.
"It's Remus, Malibu, Dawna is with me."

Her head turned to face him directly and Remus almost gasped at the glazed over look on her eyes. She was blind. Jane Malibu was blind.

"Oh Remus. Remus Lupin?"
"That's right."
"Can you bring her to me?"

Remus lifted the cat off his shoulder and placed her gently on Jane's lap after telling her she was placing her down. Jane pet the cat gently.

"Oh Dawna ive missed you so much. I never stopped looking for you. I went and thought in the war to try and find you. I knew you had to be alive somewhere. And you were, you are." Jane wiped at her eyes. "Im ready." She announced.

Remus looked at Fester who nodded and herded everyone into the room.

"Headmaster, Professor McGonnogal, Sirius Black im going to have to ask you to stay out of the room as you aren't apart of the spell." Fester said and when eveyone who was needed was in the room Fester pointed them into their respective stations.

Red was placed in the middle of a circle that had been painted on the ground with god knows what, Jane and Harry were sat behind her, Jane in a circle and Harry in a triangle and Poppy, in a star, and Remus, in a rectangle, were sat either side of her. They were all sat exactly a metre away from Red and eachother. Fester was stood infront of them with his wand pointed out. He stood on an intricate mandala looking pattern.

"Merlin's beard I hope this works." Fester whispered and waved his wand in an intricate pattern and spoke a latin phrase Remus would have never been able to repeat. For a moment nothing happened.

Then there was light.

the case of dawna flynn - r.j lupinWhere stories live. Discover now