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McGonnogals following classes were cancelled due to her absence and Red had been picked up by Rubeus Hagrid who she knew to be the groundskeeper and she kept company with him for the majority of the day.
Red had scratched him in a desperation to get to Remus but after the tight grip he had on her she realised they wanted to keep her away. She wasn't entirely sure why, but ruled it down to just making sure she didn't become a bother.

Hagrid introduced her to his dog, Fang, and Red was more then shocked when she realised how much of a wuss the dog was. They both got along fine though and spent the majority of the day napping.

That was two other things Red had been prone too since being stuck as a cat. Naps and the lack of being able to hang onto a certain emotion for too long. She didn't mind the napping as she never had much else to do as a cat but the emotions thing always threw her off. Like she knew right now that she was worried for Remus Lupin but she couldn't particularly feel it, even if she tried too. It was like trying to grab onto something just out of your reach.

It had been almost the whole day before she saw someone apart from Hagrid and it was McGonnogal coming to fetch her. Red said the loudest goodbye she could as a cat and the moment she was out of the door of the hut she shot towards the castle and McGonnogal sighed but not moving to slow her down or stop her.

× × ×

Remus had been ordered to bed rest for the next 24 hours and bedroom bound for the rest of the week and Severus had been more than happy to keep covering his lessons when he could.

He'd been with Poppy and McGonnogal all day and Poppy had realised the scratch had gone deeper then se initially realised and was holding dirt and dust that had brewed up an infection quickly. She sorted it out but Remus had ran a fever so its why McGonnogal had taken him off teaching for the week and it made Remus feel like a let down but when Dumbledore stopped by he assured it wasn't a let down and it was acceptable undergoing his circumstances.

Poppy was just packing up her stuff when Remus perked up at the sound of the cat flap and as he turned he felt a furry body crash into him and he winced at the pain but held the cat tightly.
"Oh Red," Remus gushed and the cat curled up against him, nuzzling at his collarbone. Although she was a cat and most likely couldn't understand him as far as he was aware, he told her waht happened. Poppy had advised it actually, she told Remus that the cat understood more than the man thought she did.

Red stared in understanding, not that she could do much else.

Once Poppy had left the room Red and Remus napped. They didn't have much else to do seeing Remus was complete bend bound for the next day or so. Remus lay spread out and Red was asleep between his arm and torso, head resting by his shoulder.

The next week was a lazy one aswell, half way through Remus was permitted to be walking the castle again so he'd go to pick dinner and lunch up himself and he continued on patrols, but only late nights.

The week was also of the nature that Remus despised. He couldn't do anything so he couldn't distract himself. Red kept him grounded fot the most part but there were times where he couldn't help but succumb to his thoughts and it wasn't enjoyable to say the least. Sirius Black had him in edge and he was beyond worried for Harry, he liked the kid despite only having spoken to him a handful of times.

He really hoped they'd catch that man soon.

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