Chapter 1: Crazed Clark and His Legacy

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Elbert Clark, scariest man in Detroit Michigan known to kill whom he wants when he wants and dared anyone to stop him. Mob ties and drugs selling created a wealthy life for him. A 24-year-old Elbert known as Crazed Clark saw a beautiful woman named Mattie Moss who just turned 17 years old. On her way to college for singing. Crazed Clark always got what he wanted he and he wanted Mattie. Being his regular mean, abusive, and manipulating self-made Mattie marry him and bare his children.

He chose Mattie because his legacy had a look, sound, and feel in his deranged mind and Mattie was the only one who make it happen. Together with his wife they became the Black Warbucks of Detroit. Elbert led his family with isolations, manipulation, and violence. His wife and children had no life outside of him no one dear question his authority without consequences.

Crazed Clark stated interviewing suitors for his daughters to marry against Mattie's will. But what did he care, she was the reason he did not have male heirs. So, he needed sons-in-law to pass on his business. It was simple, they were to marry wealthy men to keep the family line prosperous. His youngest daughter Karen was sixteen, and his oldest, Jackie twenty-two. All the sisters knew that one day, they were to be arranged to a Worthy male who would treat them like they were unworthy like their father does to their mother.

I said no to Jackie, Bobby as Clark was studying Bobby a man who he thought was weak a crooked lieutenant over Detroit cops. One of the many cops Clark had in the pockets and did not have money like he needed to remain in the Clark family after he was gone. His legacy was all he cared about.

Listen Clark, I know I am not an idea match because of my kids, but Jackie has the experience helping raise her sisters. I am rich, and I will be able to eliminate all the cops off on your oil ring you pass those drugs through. Also, erase some evidence the DA has on you currently. I am the best cop in Detroit for the job. As Body continued pleading his case.

I hear Jackie's not even biologically yours and cannot sing as much as the others. So, you cannot sale her for that high of a price. I have two sons that need a mother, I had my eye on Jackie for a while now. My family has money in Detroit, and you know your church will be pushed mainstream with our pull plus the tax cuts.

Clark laughed and said she is not mine biologically but still more valuable than your broke-ass family.

Bobby losing his ground he really needed to be a part of this family, so he said. I can offer a million, and once we produce, children will be the most powerful in the mafia game.

Clark clapped his hands now Bobby understood. I want a cut every year, and Jackie, you and the family will attend every function of the Clark household. We will still maintain an image.

Bobby looked relieved is that a yes to me and Jackie

Clark looked at Bobby judgingly. Jackie's smart, head strong, and stubborn like her mother was. I had to break Mattie out of that to obey me. You will have to do the same in your household. You hear me.

Bobby shook his head, nervously.

Clark still believing that Bobby was too weak for his family said Jackie is your property now. You will take care of her; she will not return to my home for any reason or tell the media because you will handle her correctly. While talking to Bobby, Elbert got closer and closer. Starting at him mincingly Elbert stood 6 foot 5 to Bobby, 5 foot 9, weaker fame. Bobby was scared. Do not allow my daughter to control you in anyway.

Bobby liked Jackies quick come backs he found her interesting, but he would do anything to be a part of the black Warbucks family. I promise I will handle her, Mr. Clark

Clark still not sold on bobby but said. Come to dinner tonight at my house, propose to Jackie. Please bring your children so we can take photos. Bring the money as well; tonight, I am testing to see if you know how to handle my daughter. She will be angry, sad, and mad at the same time. You will not need any of my assistance handling your future wife. Do you understand?

Bobby agreed and said Yes, sir I will handle what's mine.

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