Part 5: Bobby White

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Mattie walked up the stairs to Jackie's room "I got to talk to you".

Jackie looked at her mother with hate she heard her younger sisters screaming and beaten all because of her mother hating them "Yes Mother"

Mattie annoyed said once you're married, you must obey because there are consequences if you don't. You were my consequence for not listening, you don't want what I went through from your husband. I'm trying to save you from the hurt I go through daily.

Like hating your children, watching as they get beaten and degraded. Jackie said with an attitude

Mattie shaking her head Jakie was her mini-me before she met Clark, she and Jackie had the same fighting spirit, however Clark broke her spirit every day since he met her. Mattie's feared for all her children but Jackie the most. "Obey, and you won't have to think about that".

* Four hours later*

Bobby walked up to Clark's home. Thinking about Crazed Clark's advice on control because Jackie was not an easy cookie. He knocked on the door and waited for an answer. One of the Clark sisters answered.

Twinkie looked up and down at Bobby. "Jackie ain't here," as she slammed the door in his face.

Clark getting pissed with his daughters told Twinkie "If you don't open that door, I'll whoop your ass next".

With quickness, Twinkie opened the door with a smile on her face.

welcome to the Clark household as she mumbled under her breath, "Stupid ass Bish." Twinkie said

Clark hollered up the stairs. "Get down here, Jackie NOEW".

Bobby walked up the stairs like he owned the house, as Clack smiled, Bobby was taking his advice about Jackie.

Bobby pushed the door open to Denise and Jackie and said "get down here now, Jackie."

Jackie asked "who the hell are you, and no I'm not going, Denise you see this fool."

Denise laughed " go home Bobby"

Bobby walked up, grabbed Jackie by the hair, and pushed her against the wall. Bobby prided himself on working out and bench pressing two times his weight. "What the hell I say, Jackie, Denise, if you come over here, I'll beat your ass. Jackie, you will do as I say. My boys need a mother, and I need a wife you will be that, or you suffer all the consequences; you got that?

Jackie scared, screamed, "YES, let me go, please stop."

Bobby smiled and let Jackie go and kissed her lips. "Go clean yourself up now if you're not down in 5 minutes, I'll do your ass worst in front of your sister. Then Denise is next.DO YOU HEAR ME"?

Jackie "yes"

Bobby "YES WHAT"? He screamed

Jackie was confused about what to say but afraid to answer wrong "Yes, Bobby."

Bobby walked down the stairs, ready to meet with the rest of the family.

Denise ran to Jackie, looking at her head with blood coming down Jackie's hand where she held her head because of Bobby's pressure on her scalp.

Denise: what are we going to do, Jackie?

Jackie, in tears and pain, said "I don't know, and went to the restroom to freshen up scared to go past the 5 minutes mark that Bobby gave her.

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