Part 20: Why are you here?

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After their concert in Atlanta, everyone went to eat except Karen and Twinkie. Karen had to call Chance, and Twinkie sneaked out to meet David.

Drew sneak behind Karen a couple of feet behind her because he knew that Karen would run. He stood outside her door and heard her talk to Chance on the phone.

Karen on the phone "Chance, you don't have to come here; I'm sorry I was on the tour bus and couldn't come to the phone on the first few rings.

Chance "When I call, what should you do? Karen do make me regret this. LET ME KNOW". 

Karen jumped, scared. "I'm sorry, Daddy; I should answer; it won't happen again." 

Chance "I'm coming tomorrow. Alexander and Jaxon are already there. Stupid asses call me every six minutes about a birthday party for Twinkie.

Karen "Wait. Alex and Jaxon are here. Do Dorinda and Twinkie know that?"

Chance "how the hell am I supposed to know Karen? If you don't stop them from calling me, I'll whoop their ass and yours for constantly questioning me.

Karen "Yes, sir, daddy what time will you arrive, I can't wait" trying to sound excited

Chance "Whenever I show up. You are asking too many questions; you want another bruise?

Karen: I'm sorry, Daddy, it's just that I want to be prepared for your arrival. As Karen was talking to her husband, trying to calm him down. 

The room door open and Drew walked into the hotel room like it was his. 

Karen "Oh, no," as so much fear crept into Karen's heart. The man she loved was in the hotel room with her as her abusive husband was on the phone. 

Chance "What happened, who's in the room?"

Karen " nobody baby I see a spider, umm Daddy, I can't wait to see you." As she looked everywhere but at Drew. Fearful of the outcome.

Chance "What are you doing Kar-"

Drew got sick of waiting so he hung up the phone. Karen looked like she was about to scream in fear and cry out in pain.  He didn't give her a chance to think he grabbed her and held her. 

Drew said "Karen, I'm not leaving, nor am I going to allow you out of my life in any way-"

Karen still being held by Drew "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID?? DREW, HE'S GOING TO HURT ME. Get out. why are you here? Nine out of ten, he's about to come here as fast as possible and kill me, is that what you want?" The phone rang. Karen tried to get out of Drew's grasp and run to the phone, ready to beg Chance for forgiveness.

Drew not letting her go said " no bear, you will not speak to him tonight. I have a plan. I know you're scared, but who always protects you?  when you fell in choir rehearsal when you were six years old? Everyone laughed, including your sisters, but who?

Karen "You, but Drew, that has nothing to do with now, and he will hurt everyone." She kept backing up, still trying to get to the ringing phone. Drew was stronger and had been in Karen's life for so long, and he knew she was terrified. However, he has always been her protector; she needed to remember that. 

Drew still holding and struggling Karen "Who hit a twelve-year-old boy to stop the pretty girl in the school from crying? Who lied to his parents so their girlfriend could stay at their house because she hated her father? Who told the crying beautiful girl that once we turn 21, we will get married and have all the babies she wants?  who became her biggest supporter, protector, and love of her life?

Karen: you, but-

Drew said stop running from me, come here, bear, you're shaking. Come here.

Karen shook her head and looked at the phone, still ringing. "I'm scared, Drew; what if he hurts everyone because of me."

Drew "I'll protect you with my life; for the rest of my life now, come to me so I can hold you, Kare-bear. They looked each other in the eyes and begin to kiss. while the phone ranged at 16 & 17 years old, and they understand their love and gather strength from one another.  

It had been so long since they saw each other clothing stated to deducted; Karen forgot about the bruises and branding.

As he carried her the room, he saw her trying to cover herself with the cover which was odd to him he spent years making her realize her body was a gem. why cover it. " Why are you covering all the places I want to kiss slowly and hungrily" Drew looking at her like she was his fest.

Karen " my body changed since Chance, and I know you don't want to see it. so, turn off the lights and-

Drew grabbed the covers off her and saw what she was hiding. He came up to a crying Karen and began scanning her body. He saw the bruises, brandings, scars and burns. He knew he had rebuilding of her confidence because of Chance so he kissed the branding and the more significant bruises. And said softly he would get them removed from her body or covered. He spent an hour just kissing all over her body as she cried and tried to hide, even though he wouldn't allow it. 

They made love on top of the sheets no covers Drew mission was to gain her confidence back and slightly succeeded. 

At that moment, Karen forgot about Chance and his threats, allowed the man she loved to make love to her, and permitted herself to be happy. Drew knocked her out after round three. As Karen was cuddled by Drew.

Drew was up still looking at her body as they lye naked on top of the covers. He said in a low voice. "Bear, what did he do to you? You will never go back to that house again. You hear me" Because he felt like he didn't protect her, as tears fell from his eyes as he cradled a relaxed, sleeping Karen. Little did Drew know that this was the best sleep Karen's gotten since she found out she had to be wed to Chance.    

In the excitement of having Drew there, Karen forgot to tell her sisters about Alexander and Jaxon being in town. Alexander and Jaxon were about to enter their wives' empty hotel rooms. However, Alex didn't just come for Dorinda. He also came for the sister that got away.

Alexander had plans regarding Karen. Alex ensured Chance wasn't near Karen when he arrived. Karen was supposed to be his, but Chance took his opportunity. He wanted Dorinda and Karen and would have had both only if Chance wasn't around.  Alex figured this was the perfect time.

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