Part 10: OH NO!!

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Clark busted into the kitchen, "What the hell is happening in here?

Alexander quickly let go of Karen; "she came on to me."

Clark looked Alex in the eyes, with a cold and deathly stare. Regretting the men he chose for his daughters, not one but all, he would never say it. "If I ever hear what I heard again, I kill you where you stand and send your head to your whore of a mother. Understood"

Alexander backed away and said yes and then yelled for Dorinda to come down the stairs. However, she was already halfway there because of all the commotion she heard. Mattie a distance thinking the same as Clark regarding the men and their parenting.

Dorinda "Karen, where are you?" She saw her father staring at an afraid Alexander and Karen shaken.

Alexander let's go, Dorinda, as he scurried out the door.

Dorinda looked and said Kare, I got to go, but we got this". As Dorinda went to hug a shaking Karen." What's wrong, Kare?"

Karen answered He's horrible, Doe. He tried t-

Dorinda stopped her from talking with a hug. "I got a feeling that's why I started looking for you; Kare, never stay around my husband without someone else with you because he will try again, if he still chooses to be a stupid ass bitch for life.

Karen In full-blown tears. "What about you? He's going to hurt you."

Dorinda said Nah, I'm going to be his life-size Barbie doll like he wants and wait for the plan, okay? Think only positive things, Karen, only," as she kissed Karen on the cheek and left with Alexander.

Karen looked at her parents and said: "Who's Chance Hemmingway? Dorinda's husband said he was afraid of my husband. Please tells me the truth is my husband is worse than my sisters". Referring to Alexander and what just happened to her.

Mattie shook her head and looked at Clark. "I've heard stories about him being a madman. He's only 19 years old, only three years from you. There Hemmingway's has old money. I'm unsure how they came about their money, but the rumors aren't good.

Karen asked what are the rumors?

Clark mad and loud said "That's enough questions, finish your homework. He realized he couldn't answer why he chose such horrible men for his daughters and why he was so horrible as he was.

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