Part 11: Damn, Chance

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After church, everyone gathered at Bobby's and Jacky's house for dinner. Everybody was talking and trying to make the best out of their situation. Mattie and Elbert were invited even though the Clark sisters paid both no mind. Mattie noticed Bobby's butler Glynn keep giving Jackie glances and smiling behind Bobby's back.

Twinkie getting anxious, asked, "Has anyone seen Karen? I'm getting a feeling that I need to know where everyone is. Jaxon grabbed Twinkie and sat her down on his lap while he kissed her ear. To the average person, it was an affectionate kiss from man to wife, but the family knew he was a sex deviant and wanted Twinkie's body near his.

Dorinda pulled Twinkie from his lap and hugged her to get Twinkie away from him. "I saw her and Drew and church talking. They finally get their closure because she's next.

Jaxon and the rest of the husbands left outside to smoke and gossip about their wives, and their parents had some time to talk.

Jacky asked "Why did you place Karen with a ruthless monster like Chance Hemmingway? You know, as I do. The three youngest are the most sensitive and soft. Twinkie and Dorinda looked at each other, confused. "What y'all are".

Denise "Dorinda and Twinkie y'all know y'all soft as butter, but daddy, you hate us that much; you could've found nice, upstanding men, but no all of them are just like you or worse."

Elbert "no matter how you feel the Clark legacy must go on; we were going broke, and I had to make provisions for the future".

There was screaming and a loud banging on the door. Everyone got up and checked the door. The screams were so loud that the husbands came inside to see what was happening. Jacky opened the door and saw Karen beaten and bruised. Her right eye was blackened, her clothes were torn, her hair looked like a it was pulled, and she had slight bruising on her chin.

Karen scared ran in as fast as she could, holding on to her protectors, Jackie and Denise. "Please help Drew. Call 9-1-1, please. He shot him, Jacky. Denise, make sure he's okay, please". As blood was leaking from her mouth. "He shot him in the stomach; please, he was still on the ground, bleeding, when I ran here.

Denise confused because her youngest sibling's appearance scared her, she wanted to know who did it. "Karen, what happened with Drew? Did he do this to you? No, Jackie, let's go find Drew." Thinking Drew beat her.

As Karen was about to answer. Jackie's door flew open, and her husband, Bobby White, pulled out his nine, ready to gun down whoever kicked in his property.

Karen screamed, already knowing who it was, hiding behind Jackie and Denise. "Please don't let him take me; please get Drew some help."

Chance busted in the door and said "Karen, get your ass over here before the left eye matches the right. Hey, Clark family, would you all excuse my future wife? I followed her all day today to see what she's been up to before we married. Clark, you told me she was a church girl".

Karen scared said "Daddy, I didn't do anything wrong. I had no idea who you were and were not married yet. It's not considered cheating, so how is beating me fair"?

Jacky looked at every male except Clark, looked afraid of Chance. "Karen, what happened"?

Chance: "So you're just going to omit everything I said." As Chances, bruised knuckles extended, he was angry, and everyone knew it. "Clark, tell my wife to bring her ass over here to get her punishment, and we can marry and be happy ever after.

Karen "Please, Daddy, don't let him hurt me; it was innocent. He saw Drew kiss me as a farewell. We kissed, and Chance came and pulled me away and started screaming that I was a whore and needed punishment and started hitting and beating on me. Drew jumped in, and Chance shot him in the stomach, and his goons kept beating Drew as Chance beat me. Drew's brother shot at Chance, and I ran as fast as possible. Daddy, please save me; it was all innocent."

Chance losing his patients. "Clark, the holy boy was knee deep in my wife's mouth kissing what's mine. I can tell they fucked a few times before; hell, if I weren't there, they would have fucke* each other in that church. If she knew she was promised to me. Why would you kiss that preacher kid? Clark, I'm bored; your daughter is disobeying my orders.

Clark "Karen, GO TO YOUR HUSBAND NOW. I told you to stop hanging around that boy.

Karen "No, please, daddy, he'll beat me more".

Chance "You damn right I am!! If you don't, bring your high-yellow ass over here now. I will unleash so much pain and hurt on you. You'll beg me to end your life. You want that wifey, your husband, to kill you in front of your family. COME ON, LET'S GO".

Jackie hugged Karen and whispered, "Do what he says, Karen; everyone is afraid of what he'll do."

Karen "no what happens when I leave Jacky? He will kill me. I want witnesses for my body identification".

Jackie "You don't have a choice"

Chance done with being patient. Pushed Jacky and Denise so hard they hit the ground. He grabbed Karen, slapped her down, and kicked and punched her. Chance, a violent creature, was angry because of jealousy of what he saw, so he wanted to inflict hellish pain on Karen for not obeying. He wasn't done yet; Karen would learn through pain and suffering her wifey duties, whether her parents or sisters were in the room, his property, his rules.

Chance continued to punch an already-down Karen, until her body was still, and he got tired. "She is mine, and I will punish her as I see fit; she will be trained before our wedding." As he picked up and limp, Karen bridal style to his car. He laid Karen's limp body in the front seat.

Mattie was in tears when she saw Karen's blood on Chance's fist. She knew when they got to his mansion, he would beat her youngest again. "Please don't hurt my baby anymore; she didn't mean it. Drew's her first love; most likely, it was a goodbye kiss.

Chance "Mattie, go back in the house before I hit your ass next. Clark has warned her about being with the Holy Boy. Now, she will have consequences for her actions. You will see Karen on our wedding day next weekend the color is black".

Clark walked out to get Mattie, and he saw something he had never seen in his wife's eyes, and it was regret for all her decisions. However, he knew she would be fine once all the Clarks sisters agreed and obeyed their husband's wishes. Just like Mattie obeyed him, everything would be fine, or at least he hoped.  

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