Part 6: Damn Bobby

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The family was sitting down awkwardly. Karen, Dorinda, and Jackie were afraid to speak after being beaten. Twinkie and Denise prayed and wished that this day would end. Clark was proud of his future son-in-law Bobby. Mattie was nervous because she knew nothing was ever going to be the same.

Clark looked at Bobby and said so you and Jackie will get married tomorrow.

Bobby "yes, sir"

Jackie shaking her head no daddy, please let me graduate from nursing school first.

Bobby looked at Jackie "you are dropping out and will be a full-time stay-at-home mom. I want at least two more from you."

Jackie laughed not caring if he hit her again "Fuck you and them badass kids. You are not going to touch me, let alone have a baby with me. I am talking to my father, Daddy, please; I have two more classes left".

Bobby laughed a sinister laugh and grabbed the cutting knife from the table, got up, and stabbed Jackie in the hand.

Everyone screamed, ready to save Jackie, except Clark, who admired the low-life Bobby White. However, would never tell him.

Jackie yelled in pain "stttooppp, Bobby, stop. I'm sorry, as he twisted and turned the knife in her hand, making it impossible for Jackie to move without adding more pain to the wound.

Bobby said loud and clear "YOU WILL BE MY WIFE TOMORROW, AND YOU WILL BE A GREAT MOTHER. As he twisted the knife deeper into her flesh. Jackie cried and begged him to stop." Say what you will be, or I'll take this bitch off.

Jackie screamed, "OKAY, I'll be your wife and the mother of your kids; please stop Bobby, somebody Stop him, please.

Bobby: pulled the knife out and grabbed Jackie's tear-filled face and kissed her lips "I love you, Jackie, don't piss me off again, or your finger will be missing." as Bobby went back to casually eating

Jackie: grabbed her hand, cradling it in tears." Yes Bobby"

Bobby "give me a kiss, JACKIE, NOW"!!

Jackie was scared and kissed him on the cheek and looked down submissively. The younger Clark sisters never saw Jackie back down from anyone who wasn't their father. Fear rose into all the Clark sisters' hearts as tears cascaded down Jackie's face again today because of her future husband.

Clark finally welcomed, Bobby, as he raised a glass to him.  

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