Part 3. We must obey

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Elbert thought as the girls came down, that he didn't see Karen. My baby girl is becoming a handful, and I wonder why. Where's Karen?

Mattie told him we have to talk to her together; it's time for her to be wedded.

Elbert said no, she too young

she'll be pregnant and halfway across the country with that boy if we don't hurry. Dorinda too. Mattie said still angry about what she heard upstairs.

Dorinda confused and scared because of Clark's presents "what did I do"?

Clark looked at Dorinda menacingly. Did I not tell you to leave that broke man alone? Getting up, on the way to where Dorinda was.

Denise taking up for her younger sister, she hasn't talked to him in weeks, Daddy. Trying to defuse the situation.

Mattie she's lying Clark Dorinda and the car salesmen had sex a week ago. I read it in her diary it said they meet every Friday. I'm saying, Clark; we need to place them now.

Jackie scared for her sister in the moment said what kind of mother are you? What are you gaining form this other than us hating you. Why do you want us married so badly. I know you hate us but having daddy kill us can't be a part of your plan.

Clark sick of all the emotions raised his voice and said SHUT THE FUCK UP NOW. All of you are a part of this family and will do what is needed to maintain its wealth. No matter how you feel about me or your mother. Jackie, Bobby is coming over, and you will be married first. As he was speaking Karen sat down, he saw the bright bruise on her left cheek. All of you will be married this year, with no exceptions. If any of you bitches try to get away or mess up this money, there will be hell to you and all who assisted. DO YOU HEAR ME? Now who the Fuck are you?

Everyone said, "A Clark and we must obey". 

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