Part 9: Nasty Ass Alexander Plum

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Twinkie walked down the aisle to be Mrs. Jaxon Summit, a name she never wanted. Like her older sisters, she said "I do" to a man in front of God and knew, like all her sisters, that her husband could never please her emotionally and mentally. She was terrified about the sexual part. She didn't want Jaxon to touch her. At the same time, Dorinda and Greg sneak off to their hiding spots, discussing their future.

Dorinda looking at "Greg, Karen can only cover for me for 10 minutes. I got to get married to a psychopath sometime soon."

No; this isn't far, nor is it Holy, what man sells his blood for the love of money. I wish I had the money to do something or at least the money. We can figure out a plan Greg said.

Dorinda "HOW we can't change it. Daddy always said his girls would be rich and the Clark legacy would remain. He was always evil to us, but I never thought this vile of him.

Greg agreed yeah, he is evil he got me fried yesterday and got my mom kicked out of the hospital she works at. His minions told me to stay away, or my mom would be next on his hit list. That bitch is crazy to think I wouldn't find another way for all of us. As for when were married, you will never speak to or see your sperm donor again. I promise Dorinda; you will be mine completely. Me and Drew are coming up with a plan now because I can't breathe knowing that some fuck-tart is beating or touching on my future. I know were young, but we'll be together forever". He grabbed her face and stared into her eyes, stating every word.

Dorinda in tears. "We can't be together because I'm getting married to Alexander Plum tomorrow. Daddy told me today, and everyone says he's nasty and demeaning, just like my daddy and my sister's husbands".

Greg grabbed Dorinda's hand. "you'll always be mine regardless of some rich ass bitch who could never love you, right. The positive side, you get all the nice dresses and a huge house now," as he looked down, doubting if he could ever give that to her.

Dorinda said confidently "I would give all this up for you; we could live in the back of your old Chevy and never come back to Detroit again. I could get a job, and we'll be happy together and you find another deal ship to work at". Trying to convince Greg to run away with her.

Greg kissed her forehead and said I would love to, but three reasons are stopping us. If this guy is as crazy and paid a millions to your father, he is not letting you go. Your daddy would probably hurt your sisters if he didn't have you, lastly he would search for us, and you know I will defend you to death. All his millions and bodyguards will kill me, and you'll be heartbroken ready to throw all your cares in a ditch in Wilacoochee, Georgia. We will be together forever but must play this as brightly as possible.

Dorinda laughed. Finally, he always knew how to make her happy since they were five years old in the church's sunshine band. "Whatever nigga. How do we play this smart? Ole wise one?"

Greg There's my smile. I just got a job working for the Plums firm. As his third assistant, yeah, your future husband had three assistants. I guess that's what wealthy people do. He's a big-time Judge here. I manage his schedule, but we'll play it smart the first year, and then I'll ensure you don't have to be around him. As me, and Drew, and your older sister plan to free You all. I'll buy an apartment near you-

Dorinda interrupted him with a kiss and said, "You love me, don't you?"

Greg "Duh! Would I be willing to risk my life, move near you, lie, and scheme for my health? Girl, you know I don't play about you.

Dorinda: As she kissed him again, they made love in the back of Greg's old Chevy. As Karen was home panicking about their father finding out where Dorinda was.


Karen and Dorinda were playing UNO at the Kitchen table. When there was a knock on the door. Mattie came from the back.

Mattie: "We know who that is, Dorinda. Be on your best behavior. This is your husband". She went to get the door.

Alexander Plums was a bright man. He got his money through his intelligence and greed. He was standing 6 feet tall and 28 years of age. He wanted an 18-year-old Dorinda to be his arm candy. Possessive, mean, and nasty is what people would describe him as.

Alexander Standing with roses in his hands and a beautiful smile. "Dr. Mattie, is it?

Mattie "Yes? Looking up at Alexander face, you're older too; Dorinda is only 18; why do you grown men want my youngest daughters? Referring to Twinkies husband and now Dorinda's. Clark never told me you were this old compared to them.

Alexander: Stepped up to Mattie. "You're going to pretend you care, aren't you? As he laughed in her face. "You wanted you kids married and to rich men, right? I will tell you the truth; she will be my life-size doll. My clients would leer towards her to make me more money. She will always be my trophy wife. She is gorgeous after a few tweaks to her style and teeth. We will be on the news and signing contacts faster than ever. She will be my combine Dr. Clark and only mine".

Mattie "She's not the quiet type. You can't take her away from her God-given gift. She's not your mold make Barbie doll. She's fire and ice mixed. Clark and I made so many mistakes"? Trying to talk Alexander out of the deal she and her husband made regarding marrying the youngest three. She wasn't aware of their ages or the reasoning behind the marriages. Jaxon wanted a sex slave and now Alex wanted a Barbie doll. Too little too late to care now.

Alexander: A mother's on-and-off love is painful and insignificant to me Mattie, she's mine. She's not a preacher; she is my doll baby; get her, NOW.

Dorinda walked in looking at Alex "um, Hey'.

Alexander looked and Dorinda beautiful, but your teeth look awful, and your outfit belongs to an old church mother. Go upstairs and get a jacket, nothing else. I'll buy you new clothes along with make-up and heels. YOU MUST LOOK PERFECT WHEREVER YOU GO.

Dorinda hurried up the stairs to do as she was told.

They didn't call him nasty for no reason. He took the chance while Mattie checked on Dorinda to mess with Karen.

Alexander walked into the kitchen "Hey Karen".

Karen Hi nervously said because she heard stories.

Alexander, you know I asked your father if I could have the both of you, but the Hemmingway's always had old money to outweigh my new money.

Karen confused The Who's?

Alexander, they didn't tell you about Chance Hemmingway. Awe, baby girl, your father left you in the dark for a reason. He is hazardous of a young man, a trust fund baby. If I say so myself, hell, I'm scared of him. But your, not his yet". As he grabbed Karen out of the chair and started holding her, rocking side to side as if there were music. "You're young and a little wide but beautiful. Both of you would fulfill my desires. You will be on a diet and you, and Dorinda would take turns satisfying me, but both of you would make me an A-list celebrity.

Karen feeling wearied and confused. Why was this man holding her, and why was he now insulting her while in the same breath wanting her? "Sir, please let me go if I'm promised to a man already and you fear him, he'll hurt you and me." Trying not to make him angry, not knowing what he was cable off.

Alexander no, you're not his yet, bitch. I'll still lust after you even if you're his bend over. He was now holding her body toward his groin area and hands were going toward her ass.

Karen "Stop; your wife's upstairs, who happens to be my best friend and sister. Daddy help, "she screamed at the top of her lungs.

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