Part 21: Alex is here.

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Drew looked at Karen, still asleep. He got up and started making food after sex, sleep, and food their ritual as Drew walked down the hotel hall to get ice. Alexander saw the opportunity to step into the unlocked room.

Alex locked the room door. Found Karen still asleep. He rubbed her head as she started to stir in her sleep. "Get up, Karen"

In a sleepy and whining voice, Karen said, "Drew, why do you sound like that" As she opened her eyes. Alex started choking her and grabbed her body down to the floor.

Karen screamed for her life. "Alex, what are you doing? Stop get off me, Alex, no."

 Alex stronger climbed on Karen's naked body. No time to fight Karen for her own body. Alex slapped Karen twice as Karen screamed Drew's name as loud as she could. Thinking Drew was still in the room.

Alex "shut the fuck up, Karen. You don't want Chance to know you had Holy boy in here, do you? he whispered in Karen's ear as he touched her naked body. You let him hit, and you know it's my turn, and you will never tell Chance nothing, you hear me? He pried Karen's legs apart and placed her hands together so she couldn't use them to fight him off.

Karen "stop you, son of a bitch. Stop, please". She felt Alex's fingers inside her vagina while he kissed her neck. She knew this was it, and he would have her too. How ironic for her to be assaulted after passionate sex?

Alex "You ready for me? Come on, baby girl, don't cry. This will be fun. I promise."

Drew walked up the stairs, heard a commotion, and ran towards the room, he saw Chance Walk towards Karen's hotel room with his six men. Everyone knew Chance Hemmingway and ran out of his way and locked their doors. Drew, only in a rob, ran because Karen wasn't returning with Chance.

                   Back to the room with Karen and Alex

Alex slapped Karen as hard as he could, angry that she wouldn't get excited about sex. "You won't get wet for me but will for another. SLAP. If I wanted a crying bitch with a dry pussy, I would have fucked my wife".

Chance "Tell me again why you're not fucking Dorinda??" Chance stood angry as he had a whoop, an axe, and chains in his hands. He dropped all those weapons planning to use them on Karen for hanging up on him and not answering. Now he had his death stare set for Alex.

Karen a plan formed in Karen's head. She cried, "Daddy; he made me hang up the phone. I tried to stop him; he was so strong and made me do things to him. He did everything to me. I'm sorry, sir, he's stronger. I couldn't call you back. Chance, please forgive me." She got a sheet off the bed to cover herself and crawled to an angry Chance.

Alex afraid of Chance. "The bitch is lying." As Alex kicked a crawling, Karen.

Karen hyping up the acting because of Chance's presence. "Chance, save me, please," she screamed and bent in a fetal position.

Chance got up and punched Alex in the face. As he fell with blood running down his nose. Chance licked the blood off his fist and laughed." Puck ass Alex, you forgot I walked in on you on top of what's mine. You also wanted Karen as your wife. Alex, it's not looking good for you. Do you know what a Hemmingway would do during these circumstances?

Alex, you going to believe this fat bitch. She was fucking the church dude, and then she seduced me, and I needed her. Chance, I'm sorry it won't happen again. I won't even talk to her anymore. She fucked Drew. He left this morning, and I walked in.

The butler walked towards the room to view the commotion in the room. Drew punched him, stole his uniform, and passed the massive bodyguards into the room. Scared but ready to defend Karen with his life.

He saw Chance punch Alex in the face. Drew was confused because when did Alex get here? Until he heard what Chance said and made him mad because he was gone for not even that long. Damn, his friendly personality, he had a conversation with the older women downstairs. He hid in the closet and tried to get Karen's attention.

           Back to Chance, Alex, and Karen

Karen "No, Daddy, I haven't seen Drew since that time at the church. Chance, you would have seen him on your walk-in. Alex told me not to say anything to you, or he would tell you a lie about Drew. So, you would kill him, and he could have me on the road. I told him I belonged to you and no one else. He overpowered me," Sobbing on Chance's leg.

Chance believing Karen because of what he heard and walked in on. "Shut up, Karen; your crying is throwing off my aim," as soon as Karen looked up from his leg, confused. Chance pulled out his gun and shot six rounds into Alex's head. Alex's body dropped dead on the first bullet, but Chance, being the violent creature he is had to over kill.

Karen screamed at the top of her lungs, afraid.

Chance bent down and looked at Karen with a look that said, "Shut up," and Karen, shut up. "Get dressed and come downstairs; the sisters and husbands need to meet. This will not happen again". He moved from Karen's grasp. Karen was still shocked she couldn't even move. "MOVE NOEW."

Karen Got up and wiped her tears. "Is there punishment for me daddy"?

Chance "Get dressed now". Ignoring her question, which meant No.

Karen "yes, sir, right away". As she breathes in relief

Chance left for downstairs area

Drew waited until Chance left. Saw Alex's body on the ground and kicked him. "Fuck you, hurt my baby like that. I'm glad he handled you, though." He walked into the bathroom and saw Karen getting ready to shower. "Karen, turn around and hug me, bear. I'm sorry I went to get ice and returned to Chance walking into your room."

Karen hugged him and kissed him. It's okay. I guess it all worked out. Dorinda is free now. Drew, you got to go before he comes back.

Drew "Okay, but I'll be back with this uniform tomorrow. I'll hold you the whole night and talk about when you learned to lie so well".

Karen "you heard all that?"

Drew "yup, it was scary yet sexy". As he walked out of the room.

Karen happy that she and Drew didn't get caught, and Alex was out of the picture—one down, four more to go. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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