Part 2 Disappointments

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Clark walked into the house to the maid, who took his coat and hat. Kissed wife who was waiting to be acknowledge by him. Mattie, get the girls, to come down now. He heard Mattie call the girls down, but no one responded. Mattie, I am whooping everybody if they do not get down here in 5 seconds.

Mattie nervously said to Clark, there coming; just a little tired from school, is all. Go ahead to the dinner table. Alice cooked her famous beef roast. Mattie tried to calm her husband down as she kissed him. I will get them.

Mattie went upstairs to see her daughters in the same room talking; Mattie put her head to the door to listen

Denise said to her sisters Jackie will be first.

Why you think that? You think because I'm not his Jackie said angerly.

Twinkie rolled her eyes. No, you're the oldest. He will probably wait until Dorinda and Karen turn 20. Denise and I are next after you.

In tears Dorinda said what the hell are we cattle, why we being sold? Daddy's horrible enough beating us and shit.

The youngest of the group Karen said we can we run away? Daddy told me I had to be more obedient for my future husband last week. After he slap me for questioning him. I don't want to be a part of this family if my whole life is to be beaten physically, mentally, and emotionally. I would rather be homeless with my sisters. We could work regular jobs for money.

Denise thought and said what about mom?

Twinkie rolled her eyes again at her sisters does she care how we feel? Daddy will hit her and then us. Mom will pretend she cares about us and then cater to Daddy as we bleed and suffer. Then nobody is going to stop him. No police, judge, or demon in hell. So, no, we can't run. His evil ass will find us and unalive us where we stand. Jackie, it doesn't matter if you're his or not you came from his precious Mattie. He'll kill you and the rest of us too if we don't obey.

Jackie shaking her head, you think Mom would allow Daddy to kill us? As she noticed Mattie coming in the room ...Hey, Mom. Mattie couldn't bear to hear anymore, so she did what she knew how. She yelled and screamed and got violent with her children. Her hands weren't as heavy as Clark's, or her words weren't as degrading. She knew this because he would always use his hands on her and harsh words on her. However, that drove a wedge between her daughters, who never thought she cared for them.

Mattie: You ungrateful whores, beast all of you and unlovable dummies. You're talking about being homeless. You would die before sundown. Are you all stupid? Do you know who your father is? Get downstairs before I beat everybody's asses.

They all ran downstairs, fearful of Mattie and her vengeance she wasn't as bad as Clark, but her fist hurt. She grabbed Karen and pulled her close. Your father will talk to you after dinner.

Karen scared tears in her eyes because she knew what that meant. "Mom, I'm sorry; please don't tell him."

Mattie said you haven't been obedient lately. Maybe it's the school; I will tell him you have to drop out and place in your married home already.

Karen ready to beg for forgiveness got on her knees. No, I'm sixteen; everybody but me graduated and went to prom. Please, I'm sorry, Mommy. I'll do whatever you want.

Mattie still disappointed in her daughter looked down at Karen; angry, she raised her hand back and smacked her youngest in the face. Making Karen fall to the floor "You will be married soon and tell the little preacher boy he'll die messing with this family. He is putting all those stupid ideas in your head. You will never be bigger or better than this family business. You stay with this family. You owe this family. She pulled Karen off the ground, holding her face in tears. Who are you?

Karen in tears looking down said "A Clark and I must obey" the family mantra that Clark would make his household repeat after every reprimand.

Mattie looked at her own child with disgust and said clean your face and come downstairs. Disappointments all of you. 

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