Part 18: brothers-in-law.

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Greg and Drew sat in the restaurant to discuss their situation.

Greg stressed out said have you got a chance to talk to Karen? Because you're the only one who can't see their women on the regular.

Drew confused "Nah, I haven't seen Bear (nickname for Karen) since we last spoke at church. I know she's scared and lonely. Wait, how do you get to see Doe?

Greg "I got hired at Alex's company. He wants Doe to be his doll baby. She is beautiful so he has her dress like a model all the time. Gabbing her hard when she doesn't listen or want to obey. She had a bruise the size of a male's hand on the back of her neck. That's the day I paid a man to kill his million-dollar dog.

Aye yo, you killed that man dog said Drew.

Greg smiled yup. Doe and I laughed about it; if he ever touches her again, it'll be him next. I need to get my wife away from that man."

Greg and Drew noticed Glynn walked into the diner where they were. Both confused as he sat down with them.

Glynn looked nervous and unsure "Jackie told me I could talk to you guys; I have some confession to make and you two are the only ones that can help all three of us.

Drew confused said wait, what? Three of you?

Greg "wait me and Doe had a bet on this, are you and Jackie involved?

Glynn "We have been together for a few months now. Bobby only questions Jacky about his sons she cares for. I am the only father figure that have that's why there so well manned. When Jackie married Bobby and started assisting with the boys. We just clicked and when Bobby was in a cold drunk sleep which is often. Jackie is all mine in that big ass mansion. Hell, he doesn't even know that the baby Jackie is carrying is mine.

Greg spit of his drink and said, "I knew it, Doe was right wait, what the fuck did you say about the baby"?

Glynn shook his head and said "Jackie and I got carried away without protection one night, and she got pregnant, so we decided to pretend she got pregnant from ole drunk-ass Bobby for her safety and mine. Sorry, we fooled you all, but Jackie is trying to protect everyone. She doesn't want anyone at fault because of our mistakes' we are excited about our child but scared about the circumstances. That's why I'm here. What will Bobby do to Jackie, my kid? If he ever found out.

Drew "Well, nice to meet you officially, brother-in-law. I agree with both of you. I tried to talk to Bear yesterday, but she ran from me like she saw a ghost. I mean, terrified to be in the same room with me. I know what Chance did to her after we spoke on the phone. After their concert in Atlanta, we are going to talk. I don't care if he kills me. I'll try until death. I'm sick of her head down, afraid to speak to everyone. My baby's shy but not fearful, all because of Chance's abuse. He is crazy, but he doesn't know I can get there.

Glynn "Is it that bad for her that she's afraid to be around anyone?

Greg "Yeah, Chance beats the hell out of Karen for simple things. They had been on the road for a few days, and Doe told me she jumped and screamed in her sleep. Begs "Daddy" to stop hurting her. Doe and the sisters pray and hold her. Doe said the sister couldn't even touch her without Karen jumping scared. My poor sister can't get peace in her dreams or surrounded by her sisters. Nah, Drew, Glynn, we got to do something.

I know today I will find a way in Kare Bear's life. If I gotta join her church, I will. She can't suffer anymore said Drew.

Greg "we need to add David to this group of brothers in laws, because he looks at Twinkie like she's the last hosts cake in the world, that man striving". All three males laughed.

Glynn listen I've been working for Bobby since I enter dental school and I know if he finds out about me and Jackie, he'll kill her like he did his wife. We gotta do something before my child is born looking like my twin.

Drew "we will brother at least you guys can talk to yours. Mine fears that she'll get beaten to death if she is in the same vicinity as me. We got to kill them all, Glynn. I'm a man of God, but God gave me Karen. God gave you Jackie and your unborn baby. Greg, you, and Doe.

Greg yelled "Hell yeah, I've been ready since I Killed that damn dog.

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