Part 12: Sister Check In

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A few weeks later, Jackie picked up Denise and bought her to the White's Manner.  They walked in and was greeted by Glynn the butler.

Glynn had Jackie favorite drink "here you go beautiful, Mrs. Chase, can I get you something?" as he said those words to Denise, his eyes straight on Jackie giving her bedroom eyes.

Denise looked at both "I would like for the both of you to stop eye sexing each other please. Damn he fine and all but, Jackie your married to a menace remember that".

Jackie finally looked out of Glynn's eyes and laughed "No he asked me a question and I answered. That is all, thank you Glynn, Denise will have a sprite the rest of my sisters are coming soon.

Glynn bowed to Jackie and said "okay, nice meeting you Mrs. Chase and walked to the kitchen for her sprite

Denise rolled her eyes "don't call me that bish name I'm Denise. Jackie what's going on with you and him. This is the second time I seen yawl eye fruck each other.

Jackie "oh its nothing he's in school training to be a dentist and I wanted to be a nurse until Bobby made me drop out and he's a great person to talk to. That's it"

Denise not believing her "sure"

Everyone notices Dorinda's appearance. She had expensive clothes, new teeth, and a short haircut. She wore 6-inch heels with pearls to match. Glynn gave Dorinda a drink and Dorinda saw Glynn stare at Jackie ass and walked back to the kitchen. Dorinda walked into where her sisters were. They looked at her new look surprised.

Dorinda asked what? Alex always wants me to be his Barbie; I wouldn't say I like it, but it's my life. Jackie why the butler, staring at you like he saw you naked, he is cute though.

Twinkie walked in, lipping and in pain. "What are we going to do about our lives? I'm sick of pleasing his fantasy, and you all have no idea what I got to do to keep Jaxon happy. It's honestly degrading, especially for a man his age; he is not supposed to want sex as much. Denise and Jackie helped her sit down while Dorinda gave her a pain pill.

Dorinda looked at Twinkies condition and said "I'm scared for her, Denise, and Jackie. All of us honestly. Drew and Greg are torn because of this; they are over there trying to figure out a plan. I haven't talked to my sister in weeks; Kare would have called us if she could. Doe shook her head. I'm going to see my sister today.

Denise thought about "Wait, Jackie, that's not a bad idea. Let's go to Chance's house".

Jackie "No, that might make things worse; let's wait until the wedding, and we'll talk then"

Twinkie in pain and aggravated "HOW JACKIE?" Everyone turned, surprised that Twinkie got frustrated with Jackie. "I'm sorry, Jackie, but we have to try. Jackie, I got this feeling that I can't shake; I'm scared for all of us, but especially Karen.

Denise scared because Twinkie always had this grift of discernment "What's that feeling like"?

Twinkie said "it's a panic feeling like something is happening or happened"

Everyone hopped in the car and found the mansion of the Hemmingway's. The Clark sisters drove up to the gate with the gatekeeper.

Jackie pushed the button on the gate entrance "CHANCE YOU IN THERE. LET ME SEE KAREN RIGHT NOW." She screamed at the top of her lungs. Jackie and the sisters saw that Chance had a full-blown party, so the sisters knew Karen was around somewhere. "CHANCE, LET US SEE KAREN, PLEASE; WE HAVE TO ASK HER ABOUT THE WEDDING COLORS. "

Denise mad said "Bitch do you want me to embarrass you in front of these rich snobs. Referring to Chance and his friends"

The gate buzzed open, and the sisters drove in. The sisters saw an angry-looking Chance but no Karen.

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