Part 19: Sister-Sister

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As the sisters prepared to sing in Atlanta, Jackie noticed David looking at Twinkie like she was a his cupcake. So, Jacky, scared for Twinkie, told all her sisters they would have a meeting.

As they sat around the table.

Jackie said Twinkie, who's David to you?

Twinkie rolled her eyes " you sound like my husband; he is the man plays for the act before us"

Jackie "He stays behind to talk to you every night, even in rehearsals. Twinkie don't get everyone hurt.

Twinkie "shut up, Jackie; you are sleeping with your butler Glynn, everyone with eyes can see it, I mean Doe and Greg have a bet on you regarding Glynn. You thought we didn't know, but I overhead y'all convo on the phone, and Doe is still sleeping with Greg. Karen, Denise, and I are the only ones who can't have what we won't, so don't judge me for trying to find some happiness somewhere".

Karen "no worries, Jackie, we already know about Glynn. He's nice. As for Drew and me I'm too afraid to say anything to him. Chance's last lesson taught me that I could never be happy. So, I smile and wave; perhaps he'll forget that I'm his punching bag.  

Everyone got quiet and realized that Karen's husband was the worst. Karen was still going through hell, and Chance wasn't anywhere near her. He called every 6 hours, and Karen had to pick up within the first three rings.

Dorinda "Don't say that, Karen. Don't give up. Drew loves you, and you love him. Talk to him".

Karen "I can't. Chance branded me. Tears flowed down her face as she pulled her shirt up and turned her back to show her sister's the branding that Chance had placed on her skin. The lower part of her back said, "Chance's Property." Karen said in a sad voice that Drew wouldn't want her now. 

Karen "He said since I was being a slut then I must wear the branding of one. I can't speak to him, or Chance will do something worse to me or all of us. He makes no threats only promises. 

Denise "we got to kill him. We got to kill all of them.

Dorinda "yep we can put something in his drink. Cuss, I'm sick of these bitches. Look at my neck. Alex cried for days when he found out Greg killed his dog because of that nigga putting his hands on me, my man don't play about me."

Jackie looked around and said I'm having Glynn's baby.

Everyone looked at her shocked. 

Twinkie " your ass was judging us"

Denise " I knew it" 

Karen screamed " Jackie what will he do when the baby's born and looks like his butler. Oh, Lawd my sister stupid, Lawd why??

Jackie in tears "I lied to keep us safe. Glynn, me, and the baby. I'm going to need you guys not to say anything to Bobby. Who knows what he'll do?

Denise "Jackie, why would you lie to us"?

Jackie "Bobby doesn't remember when we had sex because he was so drunk and couldn't finish, but he still makes me do it. After I feel so dirty and stupid, Glynn is around and makes me happy.

Denise "in more ways than one"

Jackie "shut up, Denise, if Bobby finds out somehow. I'm not sure if I'll still be alive".

Karen " aren't we a sad bunch of sisters"

Dorinda "Kare, we are getting our ass beat. Look at us; are you not miserable and waiting for someone to help us? We can do it ourselves.

Denise "Okay, Thank God I'm tired of sleeping with a man who says and does racist things and still wants me to bend over for him. I feel like a slave/sex captive. Know I gotta raise a baby with him. Let's kill them; I want happiness with my baby and sisters".

Karen "we can't kill Chance. He kills people, not the other way around, but if we do, let me do it myself. I'm sick of being beaten and berated just because I want someone else. Elbert and Mattie did this, not us. I'm ready, and I pray to God that he forgives us, but I'm ready.

Jackie "I don't see any other way. God, please help us".

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