Part 13: Damn Denise

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Twinkie and Doe were outside the car to let Karen talk on the phone to Drew. They heard Karen cry, told Drew how much hell she was in, and wished she could be with him and her family. She had to marry Chance, or he would have beaten the skin off her. He makes her call him "sir and daddy" during his abuse, and what she had to say to make him stop his abuse.

Doe and Twinkie were outside the car crying and praying for their circumstances

Dorinda asked Twinkie, "do you hear Denise's voice"

Twinkie "oh shit!! Karen, we to go now".

Karen "what happened"? As she heard gunshots. Oh no, as she ran towards the house. She walked with her head down, not looking him in the eyes. Making herself small. Karen knew at this very moment when Chance looked at her. She would need a hospital.

As Chance got up from where Denise K-O's body lay, Jackie begged and prayed for Chance to stop. He pushed a crying Jackie to the side. He came toward Karen slowly, like she was his prey. "WHERE WERE YOU"?

Karen jumped as soon as Chance's voice elevated. She started to stutter and shake because she knew Chance would do worse than Denise. "I was talking to my mom on Dorinda's phone, Daddy." Using the terms, he wanted.

Chance "You try me. My sweet Karen. What did I tell you, huh? As he grabbed her face, tears ran down Karen's face. " Lie to me again; I'll beat the rest of your sisters too."

Karen "What?... Daddy, I'm not lying"

Chance slapped Karen so hard to the face that her head spun fast. "Karen, lie to me again; it'll be a punch. First question: WHERE WERE YOU?

Dorinda "She was talking to my mother and was disappointed that she was already married and wanted to be there for Karen".

Chance laughed, grabbed Karen by the neck, and threw her against the wall. All the Clarks screamed for him to stop. "Listen, Clarks; I'm not stupid. I know when hoes are lying to me. If you want Karen to live, tell me the truth now. Twinkie, you know I'll do it. As Chance taunted Twinkie, he continued to strangle Karen. Look Twinkie at your little sister turning red. All the air in her lungs will give out soon.

Twinkie "STOP; SHE WAS TALKING TO DREW. Please, stop. I promise she won't speak to him again, and I apologize for Denise's words. She didn't mean it. Please don't hurt them anymore".

Chance "As he let go of Karen's throat and looked at Twinkie, I like you. See you, tell the truth. As for my wife, she doesn't. Which means the punishments aren't working. You see, Twinkie Karen's not adequately trained yet. As he pulled Karen's body up, I told Karen that she couldn't talk to the preacher kid anymore and not to tell anyone about our marriage. Twinkie, since you're the only Clark I like now, you're the only one going to walk away today".

Chance savagely threw Karen down on the ground, grabbed Dorinda, slapped her twice, and broke her legs as he stared into her eyes while he did it. He knew Alex would hate his Barbie beat-up and broken. As for Jackie, he punched her three times and kicked her with his still-toed boots in the legs so badly that she couldn't walk if she tried. He knew Bobby was a bitch and would do anything. As for Russell, Denise's husband Chance would kill him if he ever got bold.

Chance stood over a breathless Karen, trying her hardest to make an apology. He grabbed the thick belt wrapped around his waist; he had special for Karen if she tried anything. He dragged a crying Karen to the whopping post and tied her up. So, she couldn't move from the whoops, and he began to tear the clothing off her back. "You don't want to see this Twinkie. Now you get my security to help you bring your stupid ass sisters to the car and drive off. You'll see Karen when I feel she is trained enough.

Twinkie "Please, Chance, don't hurt her; she wanted to know if Drew was alive and as her sisters, she's supposed to tell us when she's married.

Chance "Oh no, Twink, she will beg for her life this time. I went easy on her before, but now she'll know the definition of pain and understanding. He grabbed Karen by her hair, ripped the rest of her shirt off, and tightly tied her to a post in the yard. "GET OUT UNLESS YOU WANT TO SEE YOUR SISTER WHOPPED. THE CHOICE IS YOURS. "

Twinkie asked the guards if they would help with her sisters. They did as Twinkie heard whoops that sounded like the old slave movies as Karen's screams filled the air. Twink heard whips across naked flesh, her baby sister's naked back. She heard Karen scream for Chance's mercy. Twinkie cried and begged God for Chance to spare her little sister. She looked at her battered sisters in the car, realizing they needed medical attention, but what about Karen. Twinkie went back, thinking she could talk to Chance. A silly thought in her head.

As Karen received her harsh and unjust punishment, she screamed and apologized, no use of words that died to Chance hitting her hard enough for her to want death but not enough to pass off. Karen saw Twinkie returning, and Karen screamed, telling her to get help for the others, realizing that no one could save her. This was her life, and she had to live it. 

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