Part 8: The Big Bad Wolf

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The younger three Clarks looked at their now-married sisters at the church where they had to sing.

Dorinda "nope me and Greg running away".

Karen looked around her surroundings and said "shush, Doe, I said that last time and Daddy almost killed me, we can't, and you know that".

yup Karen's right we have to suffer through it because you know Daddy will beat us for not obeying and send us back to our horrible life. Twinkie said

Dorinda said but we should kill Daddy; Karen and Twinkie looked at Doe with fear. You guys, he's been nothing but hell on earth for us since I can remember, and mom hasn't been no better.

God, Doe, and his minions would kill us, and Mama would watch and cheer them on. Karen said with tears in her eyes

Twinkie shaking her head I'm going to the bathroom. While in the restroom, Twinkie prayed for a way out of this situation for her and her sisters. As she walked out, head down, slightly depressed.

Jaxon "There she is. My future wife". Jaxon Submit was a tall 6-foot-2 male, almost 300 pounds at fifty-five years, Compared to Twinkie, a 5-foot twenty-year-old female. He was a wealthy stockbroker. Who was called in his world of the stock exchange as the big bad wolf. He always got what he wanted, illegally or legally. He wanted the talented Twinkie Clark. She would do all his dirty desires as his wife and sex slave.

Twinkie "What, nah, Daddy can't be that fast. Listen, I just turned twenty. You look like you are closer to my father's age. Ask yourself how this would work; I'm always on the road with my sisters. I don't know how to cook or clean; all I do is sing, play the piano, and write—trying to convince this stranger that marrying her would be wrong.

Jaxon walked up to Twinkie and smiled. Pushed her to the wall and kissed her aggressively, Twinkie screamed in his mouth." Shut up before you cause a scene. You think I want you for cooking, no baby, as he grabs Twinkie's hands and holds them above her head. You are mine, mind, body, and soul. As he said each word, he rubbed his erected penis against Twinkies mid-section.

Twinkie was scared about what he would do to her while in this church, let alone married to her? "Please stop, we are in the Lord's house, we talk about this without you doing this to me.

Jaxon stopped his movement for a few seconds and continued his assault. "I am your god, girl. You will do whatever I command wherever I command it. It's okay, sweetheart; get used to my little friend because when we get married tomorrow, and you will please me in every way. He tightened his grab on her hands above her head and kissed her neck.

Twinkie deciding to try, and fight said, "get the hell off me, no", she screamed and cried. She knew internally that she couldn't fight him off. He was too strong

Karen, Dorinda, Denise, and Jacky overhead her scream

Jacky first to yell "oh no, as they ran, they heard Twinkie. Get off my sister, you big bitch

Jaxon looked shocked and said "Bitch. As he laughed, I'm going to tell Bobby about you. Calling your brother out his name

Jacky: immediately got scared. She didn't want any parts of Bobby punishments. She didn't care her sisters were worth it. "Fuck you, get off her; what respectable man would hurt a woman in a church, let alone his future wife.

Clark heard the commotion and said shut up, Jackie; I'm talking to Bobby about your damn mouth when I get home. Jaxon, get off of Twinkie and wait till tomorrow; that was the deal.

Jaxon let a crying Twinkie go not without kissing her aggressively again. See you soon, wife. He walked out of sight.

Jackie looked at Clark "Daddy, why him"

Clark aggravated did I not say all of you were getting married? You want another ass whopping, don't you? Your punk-ass husband is not doing it right; I'll teach him.

Jackie nervously said I'm sorry, Daddy; please don't tell him.

Clark looked at Twinkie, clean your face, and the rest of you return to the stage and continue to sing.

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