Sodapop Imagine for SuburanQueen

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I laid on the couch at the Curtis's because I had nowhere else to go. I wasn't allowed at Buck's because I'm 15, I can't go to the lot because I could get Jumped, and I couldn't go home because Dallas, my big brother, is most likely making-out or yelling at a slutty girl he found. Anyway I was lying on the couch playing with my blue hair, which is naturally blonde, when I heard the door open. I sat up to see a tired Sodapop, a smiling Two-bit, and a cocky Steve. "Hey, Sodapop hope you don't mind that I broke into your house and laid on your couch all day," I said getting up, he flashed a smile. "So your brother does it all the time," Steve said leaning against the wall. "Besides that I don't think Sodapop, Darry and Pony mind, your like our little sister and Pony's big sister," Two-bit says turning the TV on, I smile at Two-bit and he smiled back. "And you have to go home now," Dally said coming from nowhere, we looked at him. "Where did you come from Dallas?" Sodapop asked throwing his arm around my shoulder, I could feel my cheek turning bright red. "I think you learned that in school, and if not you can get Pony to tell you," he said. He had bruises on his neck and the parts of his chest that weren't covered by his shirt, a black eye, and mostly likely some broken ribs. "I think you should tell me Dal," Soda said, making Dally smirk. "Not with Taylor in the room," Dally says as his eyes shaft to mine. I walk over to him, and stand there looking at his black eye. "I worry about you sometimes Dallas Winston," I say then glancing at Soda. "Sometimes you should," Dally says walking out the door, I cocked an eyebrow, and run after him.

The next day, Dally and I walked to Buck's to get something from his room upstairs. We walked up onto the porch, and he looks at me. "Ok, Taylor wait here and i'll right back," Dally says. I nodded and leaned against the porch railing. He walks in and closes the door after him. I sigh and tilt my head back. I think about 5 minutes later, I feel a pair of hands on my side, causing me to to punch the person. "Oh, Hell Taylor thanks for that!" Sodapop yells holding his face in his hands. "Soda, I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was you," I say helping him up. I fall against the railing with him leaned against me. He looks at me as I press my thumb to his busted lip. "I'm sorry Pepsi-Cola, I thought you....." I started, but stopped when I noticed him resting his hand on my waist. "You thought I was a Soc, or Dallas?" he asks, I blink and nod. He just stands there and looks at my lips. That's when I figure out that Soda likes me, and not like a sister, but has a crush on me. I started to feel a nervous feeling in my stomach like I wanted him to kiss me. Like reading my mind, he leans closer pressing his lips to mine softly, but not long enough. "What the Hell do you think your doing Curtis?" Dally says then meeting my eyes. Soda looks at him braking the kiss. "I was just....... well........ I guess kissing your sister," Soda said, his cheeks flushed. "You're Damn right, you were and now you're going to pay for it," Dallas says walking over to us. I step in front of Soda. "Dallas stop being so overprotective over me, I don't need you to be. I can protect myself," I say, Dallas had a dangerous look in him eyes, as they look at mine. "I'm your big brother, anything I say goes," he says, I could feel the tears wailing up in my eyes. "Of course it does, because Dallas Winston always gets his way, while his little brat of a sister gets to be in his shadow," I say then running off the porch in any direction I could go. I stopped at some point, but not knowin' where, and walked. I wiped my tears out of my eyes, so my vision wouldn't be blurred. I see the lights of a car since its night. I stop and look around for a place to hide, but there was nothin'. The Car stopped, makin' me freeze. "Well, look. We got us a little greasy girl," one of the Socs said closing his door after he got out of the car. "But not any greasy girl, a hood's baby sister. Taylor Winston," Said another Soc, who I could see was drunk. Now that I thought about it, they were all drunk. "If you don't start trouble there wont be no trouble," I said steppin' back a few paces. "Well, you know your big brother isn't here to save you, now is he?" Said the first Soc. With that they were on me and I fell into blackness.

When I wake up, I wake up to the cold freeze of ice on my head. I open my eyes to see the Curtis's livin' room. I try to sit up but stop when I feel a hand on my shoulder, Sodapop. "Hey, Taylor," he said with a smile. I try to manage a smile, but it turned out crooked from what felt like a busted lip. "What happened?" I asked, he frowned then lifted my head up, sit down, then rested my head on his lap. "Well, when you ran off me and Dallas ran after you, when we found you, you were laying on the ground with all kinds of cuts and bruise. So Dally got mad, so he went back to buck to try to cool off, and I brought you here." Soda said looking down at me. I grinned. "So you stole me," I said, taking his hand in mine. His smile returned and he lowered his head so his lips connected with mine. We both fell asleep not long after that, his arms making me feel as if I were wearing a safety blanket.

Hope you like the Imagine, sorry for not updating all these months, I've been really, really, really, really, really lazy when it came to writing for the Outsiders. If you guys are mad at me for being lazy then it's perfectly fine. I'm also sorry if the person who requested any of the Imagines are no longer on Wattpad. 

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