Ponyboy imagine For Ponyboy_And_Edward

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"Come on Ponyboy hurry up," I said jumpin' up and down on his bed, he looked at me. I stopped and hopped off the bed, I smiled and ran my fingers though my long straight brown hair. "Hey, Tristin what do you need?" he asked sittin' up, I smiled. "We have a date remember," I said, he looked at me and smiled. "Ok, get out of my room so I can change," he said with a smile, I smiled and walked out of his room. I sat down on the couch. I sat there for maybe 3 minutes when Two-bit, Dallas, and Johnny walked in. "Hey, Tristin what are you doin' here?" Dallas asked sittin' next to me with his smirk, I smiled. "I was goin' to ask you the same question Dally," I said then Ponyboy walked into the livin' room, I looked at him and got up. "Hey, Tristin are you ready to go?" he asked me, I smiled. "Yep," I looked at Johnny he was smilin' a bit, I looked at Dallas and Two-bit they were smilin' too. "What's wrong guys?" I asked, Dallas got up and looked me in the eyes. "Your goin' on a date," Dally said smirkin', I looked at him like I didn't know he was talkin' about. "No we're not," I said, he cocked an eyebrow, I smiled alittle. "Your lyin' Tristin," he said, I looked at Ponyboy and back to Dallas. "Ok, fine we are goin' on a date are you happy?" I asked, he smiled. "I don't know Tristin, Ponyboy a pretty tuff greaser, don't think you can handle him," Johnny said with a smile, I smiled. "Don't be a overprotective brother Johnnycake," I said, he smiled then me and Ponyboy walked out the door to the movie house for our date. "Tristin?" Ponyboy asked, I looked at him and smiled. "Yes, Pony?" I asked, he smiled. "Thank you," he said, "For what?" I asked, smilin'. "For bein' my girlfriend and my best friend," he said, I smiled. "What about Johnny, I thought he was your best friend," I said, he looked at me and smiled. "Ya'll both are," he said, I smiled as we walked into town.

This one is for Ponyboy_And_Edward, I hope you liked it. Please comment if you like it!

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