Dallas imagine for Smile_And_Die

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"Come on, Angel! Stop bein' this way!" Dallas yelled. I looked at him, "No, you went to far, Winston!" The two of us had been having the same argument for the past two hours. The reason we started to argue is that Dallas had started to flirt with different girls. I never liked when he did this but I kept my cool when he did this. But he had flirted with the fifteenth girl in the past twenty minutes of when we went to Buck's earlier. "I didn't do anythin' wrong," Dallas continued. My brown eyes were full of fire. "You didn't do anything, Dallas? You did! I'm sick of you always flirtin' with all these girls. I mean in just the last twenty minutes at Buck's you had flirted with fifteen different girls!" Dallas looked at me, "Well if ya don't like who I am I'll leave." I looked at him, "Good! Get outta here!" Dallas did what I said, "I'll be at Buck's if ya ever need me again!" Now I was left alone in our house. About fifteen minutes later I realized what I had done.'I should've kept my mouth shut,' I said to myself. I'm gonna go find him, yeah. I'll go find him.' I decided before I got up and walked out the front door. When I stepped out of the house the cool, night breeze hit me. It was surprising how cool the night was for August. As I walked I kept my head down. There was no telling what could happen to me, a greaser, at night. I walked up to the front door of Buck's. I knocked on the metal door. That made a loud banging noise. Bang! Bang! Bang! The next thing I know Buck opens the door. "Come on in, Angel he's up in his room punchin' the wall." I was sorta shocked but then again I knew Dallas has anger problems. As I walked towards the stairs I felt someone pull on my arm. I turned to see a random guy. "Hey, baaabeeee," he was drunk. You could tell by the smell of his breath. "Go away," I said cooly. I was boiling in the inside but being around Dallas taught me how to stay calm at times. "But baaabeeee," he said. What I didn't know is that Dallas was watching the whole time. "I said go away," I said again. When I turned around to walk to the stairs I heard, "How bout ya be my baaabeeee instead of that trashy Dallas Winston?" Dallas was real mad now. Dallas ran down the rest of the stairs to where the guy and I stood. "Hey, ya get away from her, or else," he said. The guy turned, "Or else what," the guy said. Dallas spoke, "Or else this," Dallas punched the guy in the nose making the guy knock go into darkness. I looked at the guy. "He'll be fine," Dallas said. "Dal, I'm sorry. About earlier." Dallas looked at me, "Shut up." I looked at him, "Wha..." Before I could finish Dal kissed me on the lips, "It was my fault. And if ya tell anyone I acted all mushy I'll leave ya for real." I smiled and nodded. Dallas looked at me again, "Also, leave the flirtin' to me. Ya are horrible at it."

 This one is for Smile_And_Die I hope you like it, please comment if you liked it!


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