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Hey, Guys!

So, I've messaged my followers last Saturday (I think) that I'm not going to be able to update anything on here. So no Imagines, Icepop Matthews, or Greaser Kids. I'm sorry I can't update! I'm on my Mom's office computer to send this and it's REALLY HARD  to be able to persuade that woman to let me use it. 

Hopefully, I will get a new computer soon, so that I can update some more! I hope you guys will forgive me for this and not plan to murder me with a bag of Potato Chip. (I like Lay's and Doritos are good too!) 

By the way, my friend Jay gave me a new motto "Embrace the weirdness!" So when I do start updating again that will be what I say after my episodes (Icepop), chapters (Greaser Kids), and Imagines.

Please forgive me,

Imagines for the Outsiders (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now