Johnny imagine for Fallen_Angel200

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I sat there in the park lookin' at the ground thinkin' about what I should do today. A movie? A walk? Hang with the gang? Laugh at Dally as girls reject him? "Well, well, well look what we have here," I heard a voice say, I looked up to see Adam User, the Soc. "What do you want Adam?" I asked lookin' down at shoes. "My money you owe me," he said, I looked up at him. "I don't have the money and I won't have it for another week," I said standin' up and lookin' at him, he smirked. "Well you have to give me somethin'," he said steppin' closer, I backed up a little. He looked at my long brown hair, and then into my brown eyes. "Your long brown hair will do fine," he said as the other Socs pushed me down, I started punchin' and kickin' but I still couldn't escape. I wish I was tuff like my brother Dallas, he's never afraid when it comes to fights. Adam got ontop of me and flipped out his blade, Adam grabbed my hair and cut alot off. "I think I need to cut more," he said goin' up to my scalp. I gasped and closed my eyes then I felt Adam get off me and the other let go of me, I opened my eyes to see Johnny. He looked at me, "Run Citlalli run," He yelled as the Socs started kickin' him. I turned and run down the street to the Curtis house. I burst through the front door to see the gang. "Hey, babygirl are you ok?" Dally asked lookin' at me, I quickly shook my head as I felt the tears go down my cheeks. "Johnny needs help, in the park," I said, and with that we were down the street to the park. We saw Johnny layin' on the ground, I ran to him and rested his head on my legs. His eyes opened and he looked at me, then to Dally. "Your welcome Dal," Johnny said, I looked at Dallas and then back to Johnny. "For what Johnnycake?" Dally asked dustin' the dirt off Johnny's jacket. "For savin' your sister," Johnny said as I helped him up. Dallas smirked then his eyes widened. "Your hair," Dally said runnin' his fingers my hair and smirkin'. "I know Dallas." "I think you look good with short hair," Johnny said, I smiled then we walked back to the Curtis house, so Darry can cut my hair.

Hey, this one was for Fallen_Angel200, I hope you liked it. Please vote and comment, tell me what you think.

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