Ponyboy Imagine for Mac_Winston_1090

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"Dallas Winston put me down," I yelled as my big brother carried me up the steps to my house. "No, Mac you need to stay home ok," he said layin' me on the couch. I sigh as my big brother sat next to me, I looked at the clock. "Are you ok Mac?" Dally asked runnin' his fingers though my reddish-brown hair, I looked at him and sighed. "I can't dance, run, or play soccer because of my leg, and I can't sing because you'll kill me," I said, he smirked. "And I would," he said. "And I can't go see the sunset with Ponyboy," I said, he sighed as I looked into space. "Mac you can go see the sunset with Pony if you can be careful, ok," he said, I smiled. "Really, thank you Dallas," I said grabbin' my cruches and walkin' to the door. Dallas may be a JD, a hood, and a greaser, but he loves me, i'm a sweet spot like Johnny. I walked out the door and down the steps. I heard Dallas behind me, I turned around and smiled. "So that means I can invite my girlfriend over right?" he asked, I giggled and nodded. I made it to the Lot and I saw Ponyboy sittin', and waitin' for the sunset, I started to walk up the hill when I felt someone grab my arm. I turned around to see my ex-boyfriend. "Hey, Mac did you miss me?" he asked, I was afraid to answer. I looked at Ponyboy and looked back at my ex, I took a deep breath then started screamin', Ponyboy looked at me. My ex pushed me down and Ponyboy ran over to me. "Mac are you ok?" he asked helpin' me up, I nodded. My ex started laughin' as he looked at Ponyboy. "Is this your new boyfriend Mac?" he said, Ponyboy looked at him, then my ex-boyfriend throw a punch and I quickly covered my eyes. I heard someone fall to the ground, I uncovered my eyes to see my ex-boyfriend on the ground and Ponyboy surprised. "Pony," I said softly, he looked at me and walked over and looked at me. "Come on Mac lets go watch the sunset," he said, I nodded as we walked up the hill. We sat down and watched the sunset. I fell asleep in Ponyboy's arms, but as I fell asleep I felt Ponyboy kiss me on the head and say four words. "I Love you Mac."

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