Ponyboy Imagine for ChloeWilliamStyles69

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I was sittin' in the waitin' room for some info on my boyfriend Ponyboy. I sat there in silence with Darry and Sodapop who was huggin' me tryin' to keep me claim and it was workin'. I feel asleep as Sodapop humid the song that made me and Ponyboy fall inlove "Words of Love" by the Beetles. After a few minutes Sodapop and Darry slightly shook me. I opened my eyes to see Sodapop and Darry with tears in their eyes, I looked at the Doctor. "Hey, Chloe I think it's time you said goodbye to Ponyboy," Sodapop said softly, I felt my heart stop it's tracks and fall into a million pieces that couldn't be put back together, but I nodded as the tears streamed down my face like waterfalls. I walked into Ponyboy's hospital room to see him with alot of machines connected to him. I walked closer and closer to him and with each step a tear of thought fall to the ground, the thought of our family, our love, and our life together were leavin' me. I got to the bed to see Ponyboy layin' there but with his eyes open, I felt his hand as it hold mine, but I felt somethin' else too, I looked down at my hand to see a beautiful golden ring, then I look back at him as more tears fell. "Tell me the poem," He said holdin' my hand, I nodded.

"Nature's first green is gold; Her hardest hue to hold; Her earlier leafs a flower, But only so an hour; Then leaves subside to leaves; So Eden sank to grief; Dawn goes down to day; Nothing gold can stay." He smiled, then kissed my hand, but that was it. The machine made the sound I did want to heard and Sodapop and Darry pulled me out of his room as the doctor walked in. I cried as Sodapop held me in a hug. I looked at the golden ring. "Chloe Ponyboy is in a better place now," Sodapop said lookin' at me with his beautiful eyes. "So he's with all the puppies and kitties that are in a place with no sorrow or sadness and it has cotton candy for dinner, cake for breakfest, and ice cream for lunch," I asked, Darry and Sodapop both looked at me with confustion. "Yes, he is Chloe," Sodapop said then leadin' me to the door. When I laid down to sleep that night, the one thing that I thought of was Ponyboy and the golden ring as I fell asleep

Hey, sorry this took so long but hey it's out, and I hope you like it, please comment below please and thank ya

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