Ponyboy imagine for TheOutsiders_4Life

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"Your just a useless little brat Alexa," my mom yelled as she slapped me across the face. "Please mom stop," I said, she wasn't drunk she just didn't like me. My aunt cared about me and my older brother, Johnny before my mom ran her off, but she promised to come and get us. "Get out runt," my mom yelled beatin' me badly. She opened the door and pushed me out the door. "Alexa are you ok?" I heard a sweet voice ask as I was helped up. "I'm ok Ponyboy, I just got beaten," I said, leapin' Ponyboy helped me before I fell. "Come on lets go to my house," Ponyboy said, I nodded. We walked to the Curtis house, Ponyboy opened the door and there was the whole gang, Two-bit, Darry, Sodapop, Steve, Dallas, and Johnny. They looked at me. "Alexa, What happened to you?" Darry asked walkin' over to me, I couldn't speak so Pony told them what happened. "Hey, she looks like she gonna-" but before Dallas could finish his sentence I passed out. When I woke up, Ponyboy was runnin' his fingers though my dirty blonde hair I looked at him. "Ponyboy?" I asked, he smiled then kissed me on the cheek, I smiled alittle. "Shhhhh don't talk Alexa," he said, I nodded. "Hey, Pony can you read to me?" I asked him, he looked at me and smiled. He went to his and Sodapop's room and got a book. He sat on couch with me, and held me in his arms as he read the book and I fell asleep with my head on his chest and held close to him.

This one was for TheOutsiders_4Life, I hope you liked it. Please comment and tell me what you think.

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