Johnny imagine for Katlyn1113

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"Please Darry, I'll be good and i'll clean the dishes for a month," I said lookin' at him with my beautiful hazel eyes. He looked at me with one of those looks that he gave Ponyboy. "And where will you get the money?" I looked at him, and smiled. "I don't know yet, but I will get it," I said, he smiled and walked into the kitchen. I walked out the door and down the road. I saw Johnny Cade and Dallas Winston walkin' towards me, I smiled and hide behind a bush. When they walked by I quickly jumped on Dally's back, he looked at me with a smirk. "What are you doing kid?" he asked, I smiled. "I don't know," he smirked. "Can you get off?" he asked, I smiled. "Nope, you have to carry me forever," I said, he smirked. "Alright," he said and started walkin'. "Where ya'll headin'?" I asked, Johnny looked at me. "Your house," I smiled. "Cool, hey Dally do have some money I can borrow?" I asked lookin' at him, he chuckled. "Kid when do I have money?" I smiled. "Rodeos, stealin', and your many broads that you can't keep over night," I said, Johnny laughed softly. "Hey, Dally put me down," I said, "Gladly," he replied, I hopped off and looked at Johnny. "Hey Johnny do you like me?" I asked with a smile, his eyes widened and he started blushin'. "Oh, Johnny has him a girl," Dallas teased with a smirk on his face, and Johnny nodded. "Yeah, I do Katlyn so what do you say about bein' my girl?" he asked, I smiled. "Ok, but you need to take me on a date," I said, he smiled. "I going to go get Two-bit and Steve," Dally said walkin' away, we followed him. We found Steve and Two-bit at the Lot. "Hey, Steve, Two-bit," Dally yelled, they looked at us. "Hey, Dally," Two-bit said walking over to us. "I need ya'lls help," Dallas said looking at them. "Dallas Winston needs help from two no good greasers?" Two-bit said, Dallas smirked. "No, I need you two to help Johnnycake and Curtis sister on a date," Dally said, Steve and Two-bit smiled, and nodded. That night me and Johnny had a date. We were at a table in the Lot, talking about things when Two-bit put to plates of chocolate cake in front of us. "Why are we eating cake for diner?" I asked looking up at Two-bit, he smiled. "It was the only thing Steve could buy," Two-bit said as he walked away. Johnny looked at me and smiled, I smiled back, then we were left alone because Dallas was at Buck's Two-bit went to get drunk, and Steve who knows. Johnny and I sat there and looked at the stars, he looked at me, and slightly smiled. "Thank you for being my girl Katlyn," Johnny said, I smiled. "Your welcome Johnny," I said , then he did something I thought Johnny would never do. He kissed me and I kissed him back. We continue like this till we heard something. "Well, I did know yoou liked her like that, " I heard Sodapop say, I looked at him, Ponyboy , and Darry. "Hi, Soda," I said with a smile. "Hey, Johnny does it feel, to be this happy," Sodapop asked, Johnny blushed as I rolled my eyes. "Lets leave them alone Soda," Darry said as they walked away. I smiled, as I laid there in Johnny's arms, and fell asleep listening to Johnny's heart beat.

Hey this Imagine was for Katlyn1113, and sorry for makin' long but I hope you liked it. Please comment and let me know.

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