Johnny imagine for UnicornXxCrew

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I was walkin' with my boyfriend, Johnny Cade to the Curtis house. "Hey, Nina does your brother know that your datin' a greaser," Johnny asked me, I looked at him and nodded. "He's not happy about it, but he said I could as long as it ain't Dallas Winston or Tim Shepard," I said, he looked at me. "Ok," was all he said, I shrugged and we continued walkin'. When we got to the Curtis house the whole gang was there, so when Johnny opened the door they looked at us. "Hey, Johnny you made it," Darry said then lookin' at me, he smiled. "Hey, Nina you did too," he added, I blushed a little. "Where's Dal at?" Johnny asked, I looked at him. "He's not here yet," Two-bit said not lookin' away from the TV, Johnny looked at me. We waited four minutes then we went to the Dingo, we walked in and we sat down at a table. "Hey, I will be right back Johnnycake, I need to go wash my hands ok," I said gettin' up, he looked at me and nodded. I walked to the bathroom and washed my hand, but when I got out I bumped into someone. I looked at who I bumped into and there stood Dallas Winston. My jaw dropped, he looked at me with that devilish smirk. "Well, hello beautiful," he said steppin' closer to me I backed away. "Do you have a name?" he asked steppin' closer, I backed into a wall. "Dallas it's me," I said, his smirk grew wider. "I don't anyone named me," he said, now his face was a few inches away from mine. "It's me Ni-," but before I finished my sentence his lips crushed itto mine. " I was surprised, I punched and kicked but I to late Johny had seen Dallas kissin' me. "Nina?" Johnny said with tears in his eyes, I pushed Dally away from me. "Johnny it's not what it looks like," I said, walkin' over to him, he looked at my grey eyes. "Really it looks like your cheatin' on me with one of my best friends," he said, and before I could say somethin' Johnny ran off. I looked at Dallas, "I hope your happy Dallas Winston," I said walkin' off.

-3 month later-

I was is my room thinkin' about Johnny, I couldn't help it, so I pulled out a heater and held it to my head. My brother Randy walked in and quickly grabbed it and throw it acroos the room. "Nina what were doin'?" he said me, I looked at him. "Johnny is mad at and so are my other friends, what do I have to live for?" I told him, he sighed. "Nina you have a lot to live for, now get some rest ok," he said, I wiped my eyes and nodded.

-2 months after that-

I haven't eaten in almost two weeks, because I wouldn't stop thinkin' about Johnny. I heard knockin' at my front door, I walked over to it and opened it, and there stood Johnny Cade. "Johnny?" I asked with tears in my eyes, he nodded. "Hey, Nina Dallas told me what happened that day at the Dingo and i'm sorry," he said, I looked at him, and smiled. "Nina are you ok you looked hungrey," he said, I looked at him and nodded. "Lets go to the Dingo ok," he said, I nodded. We went to the Dingo and ate. he asked me to be his girl again, and I said yes.

 Hey this Imagine was for UnicornXxCrew, and sorry for makin' long but I hope you liked it. Please comment and let me know.

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