The Pep Rally

996 22 14

Wordcount: 1073

!!!FYI!!! I write short reader, so she's shorter than every character, but if you want to change it then do :)

Y/n's Pov
I was walking up to Coach Ben, as he wanted to talk to me about something, once I see him, I hurry over

"Hiya couch, wanted to see me?"
I say, seeing that he was with Misty, the equipment manager for the team

"Ah y/n, ya. I wanted to invite you to nationals, accompanied by two other girls on your team "

"Are- are you serious?"
"I'm serious" he smiled at my reaction

"Oh.. oh my god, yes, I'd love to go"
My smile was wide, I don't like soccer, but I love cheering for my friends

"So, who would you like to bring?"
I though about it for a second

"I'll bring the best of the best"
I smiled as I though about my best friend, Rose-Mary, and my girlfriend, Constance

(Constance is portrayed by
Emily Rudd )

(Rose-Mary is portrayed by
Olivia Scott Welch)

(If ur name is Constance/Rose-Mary, do change it to whatever <3 )

"I'll bring Rose-mary and Constance "
I smiled, and he nodded

"Perfect, we'll see you at the Pep Rally"
Misty says, smiling

Time skip to The Pep Rally
It's been an hour since I talked to
Coach Ben and Misty, and we just finished our cheer we practised for the gather up,
Everyone cheered and was happy to
see our cheer

We quickly took our seats infront of the bleachers, sitting on our legs

"All right, let's hear it for the boy's !"
The Principle says, as everyone claps tiredly, and no passion put into it

I clapped once, that was all
I was saving it for the Yellowjackets

"Now, our next act needs no introduction. So let's all make some noise! For your. New Jersey state- Girl's soccer championships!"

Then they all run out, and I clap happily as everyone shouted
Over and over again

I got up and went to Misty, as we grabbed hands and jumped up and down, cheering the loudest

I giggled at Misty hyper actions, as I match the energy

I look to see the Yellowjackets mascot, a yellow-jacket obvi!!

After the cheer died down, the principle dismissed us and the team came over
to us

"Jackie, I'm sure you know Y/n, she's cheer cap-"

"Cheer captain, I know. One of the most talent people in the school "

She then grabbed my hand gently, playing with my smaller hand

&quot; A Deal with Doom&quot; Yellowjackets Lottie Mathews x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now