EPISODE 2: Unforgettable Events

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Y/n's Pov

I was awoken by a scratching noise, it was the engine, it was burning, and the smell of smoke hit my nostrils, as I took off my oxygen mask

I started to panic, as Connie wasn't in here, were the fuck was she?
Speaking of missing, I haven't seen Rosie since the plane went down

I heard someone shout, I look to see Jackie and Shauna, Jackie yanked me by my hand and pointed to the exit

I did as I was told, leaving the plane, and Misty quickly helped me out, of the plane, taking my hands in hers

"Oh... oh god, you okay?"
Misty asked, but I didn't answer her question, I asked mine

"Wh-wheres Constance?" I asked, my eyes starting to water
"Or Rose-Mary? Where are they?"

"Rose-Mary didn't make it... she fell out the plane when we were crashing"
Someone came up to me, Taissa Turner

My eyes let my tears fall quickly and rapidly, as I started running around trying to find Connie

no reply

I started to sob, as I got pulled back, as the plane exploded

I started to fight back, but they were to strong, and I just gave up, my legs giving out, making me fall to the ground, as I broke down

I just didn't know what to do, and I felt a warm embrace from behind me, so I just let them, not knowing where Connie is, or if she's still in the plane

I  get up, trying to go see what was behind the plane, but the person grabs my hand, stopping me from going

It was Lottie
"Don't go over there!" She says in a rushed tone

I got suspicious and asked
"Why? What's over there?"

"Something... just... trust me"

I sigh and nodded my head, so she let go of my hand, but I made a run for it, seeing what was over there

It was Connie, a pipe sticking into her lower stomach

My mouth hung open, in discomfort, as I seen she's still moving, but not for much longer
She was accompanied by Natalie in her last moments, I want to be there too

I ran over and drop to my knees beside her, trying not to cry

"Angel .... is that you?" She asked weakly
I frowned, grabbing her hand, and bringing it near my face, nodding against it

"Ya baby... its me..."
I say, not caring Natalie, Lottie and I think Jackie and Shauna were there, listening to our conversation

She smiled faintly
"I'm glad your here... I dont have long left..." she started to choke on her own blood

"There's... a light of some sort..."
She started to shut her eyes

"It's ok... please... please let go okay... go into it.." I sobbed, kissing her forehead, gently

And those were her last words... she's gone, and my waterworks were back and worse than ever, if you ask me

Natalie crouched beside me, and opened her arms for me to hug her, I accept it, and tackle her, making her fall back, i quickly put my hand behind her head, as a safety precossion

And she let me sob into her shoulder, it was quiet.. the only hearable thing was the crisp crackling of the fire from the plane, and my pained sobs

I felt a hand touch my shoulder gently,  making me look up at Lottie
"Don't bottle it up... let it out"

So I did, I pulled away from Nat, so I don't hurt her ears, and screamed.

My screams were agonising to let out, but relieving at the same time

I fall back into Nat, and she looks up at Lottie, nodding her head, as my sobs calmed down, but the tears still

Until the somber moment of short silence was cut by Misty shouting for us

Lottie helped both me and Nat get up, and they both stayed with me, as Shauna and Jackie hurried over before us

That's when I realised blood was running down my leg harshly, but it seems fine for now

I just can't get over how I lost two of the most important people in my life

We look over to see Coach, he was injured badly, as everyone was huddled around a big steel sheet, from  the plane, around him, as his leg was mushed and fucked up

We see Misty, walking over with an axe and she raised it up, slamming it down on his leg, blood splattering everywhere

As she took her belt, tying a shirt around the bleeding thigh, and the leg was irrelevant at this point, its not even a leg, it's just skin
Literally, the bones have no marrow left

"Help me move him!"
She says, looking back at him

Wow... that-
Was Something

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