A Seance of Advent

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Y/ns Pov

"Oh keeper of this wild and hidden place... we anoint ourselves with blood and earth."

Jackie says, with her weird, ghost, seance shit... as she drew an 'x' on Shaunas forehead

I was sitting behind their circle as i had the WORST feeling about this Seance... I still wanted to be with them.. just not partake..

I knew Laura-Lee did too, she felt the exact same I did, but only because of her beliefs, me, I was just scared..
Point is, we both didn't want to partake in this, nor felt like they should
continue it.
But she decided to stay downstairs, with Tai, Coach Ben and Javi

Jackie walks over to Travis, holding out the small, metal bowl to him, he looked up at her from where he sat on the ground, a skeptical look
adorned his face

"It's just dirt and deer blood. Classic witch recipe. Relax..."

Travis takes the bowl... putting his finger in saud blood and dirt, drawing an 'x' on his forehead to match Shauna's and Jackie's, as it gradually made its way around the circle in the events of
Jackie sitting down beside Travis
on the cold, hardwood of
the attic, making herself comfortable, before continuing.

Jackie closes her eyes, inhaling and raising her arms in the arm, Misty copying this action.

"Oh spirit, we offer our sister as your instrument. Come to us and speak your peace."

Jackie finished, now it was Shauna whom must lead..

"It is I.... Jacques"
This made everyone giggle, and stiffly their laughs.

Shauna clears her throat... continuing in a deeper voice

Everyone just laughed more, including Shauna.. this made Jackie open her eyes, and lower her arms.

"Ask your questions.. the pendulum will answer them"

Shauna's impersonation of a deep voice was funny to me, that it made a small smile stick to my face...

"Okay.." Van mutters, passing the bowl of blood to Lottie, and clearing her throat as she closes her arms, raising her arms, like this \_(^_^)_/

"Dear dead hunter guy..." she pauses
"Did O.J do it?"
Making everyone laugh

Shauna raised her blindfold, one eye visible as she looked at Jackie, who spoke up..

"Come on, guys. Real questions"

"The veil is thin between our two planes. Ask what is in your heart"
Shauna spoke

"I'll go!!" Mari says, smiling a giddy smile
"Is Principal Berzonsky screwing
Ms. Dewine?"
She asked, once again everyone laughed

The knife that was bound in rope, thar Shauna had been holding, started moving in circles.

"It is certain" Shauna confirmed, making everyone go 'ohh' teasingly or laughing

"Hunter guy! If we hadn't crashed, would we have won nationals??"

Akilah spoke up.. her question was actually a good one..

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