EPISODE 4: Gun Shooting

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Y/n's Pov
The next day rolls around, and Taissa said she found Lottie up in the attic, looking at a dead guys corpse, the bones and the clothes, being all that remains.

I was inside, with Javi, as we made fun of boys weird looking dicks in the
porn books, laughing at it

But then, we hear a gun being shot, and I jumped in fear, grabbing Javi's hand, so he had my support, as we both flinched like fuck

Coach and Misty then walked outside, so me Javi and Lottie followed them

"Hey.. give me that! Travis, give me
the gun!" He says, with a slight tone of annoyance

Travis stood up, and handed him the gun, which coach took

Struggling to stand up
"Thisis a dangerous weapon, and we
will handle it as such. We understand?
All right. That said, Travis is right.
We're out of food. We're all feeling it"

He shifted forward a bit, leaning more of his weight onto the small, but thick log he used as a walking stick

"The good news is my father used to take me deer hunting every year as a kid.
The bad news... yeah,
I am down to one fucking leg. Which means that if we want to eat,
one of you is gonna have to learn
how to use this thing"

I look around, my gaze stopping at Nat, who seems worried, scared even

So, we used a coin, and 3 cans, we had to shoot them, and the best shooters
would go hunt

A few people have went, but now it was Taissa's turn to go, but Lottie tried before her, and failed

Tai, also failed, the coin falling off, of the top of the gun

"Damn it.."

"It's ok, it's not a competition "
Coach says, to Tai, smiling

"There is gonna be a winner, though"
Jackie snarked, as it was now her turn

She cocked the gun, holding it up, as Misty placed the coin in the same position

But it fell off before she even tried to shoot, making a few people laugh

"Ok.. y/n.. up you go"
I sigh, and stand up, taking the gun, Misty places the coin on the gun, as I try to line it up, and make it steady

I exhale, shoot,  and it stayed steady, but the coin fell off

I passed the gun to Travis, then sitting beside Javi, one my left was Lottie, leaving against the pole, that supported the roof of the cabins porch

I watch Travis , but he turns to Javi, saying

"Uh... yo, Javi, come try this"

Javi got up, mumbled a 'fuck you' and walked off

I look after him, and I decided to give him space, he looked like he needed it

Travis shoots the gun, and the coin
stays on

"See and that ladies, is how it's done"
He says, turning to us

I mumbled under my breath
"Your not hot " between fake coughs

Lottie snickered a laugh, as did Van

"Nat, your up"
Coach says, and Nat takes the gun

"Come on, nice and easy like the man said.." Travis egged her on

"Okay, shut the fuck up Travis " I say, pushing him away from Nat, he was way to close for any comfort on trying to shoot a gun

Nat dropped the coin, she handed the gun to Van, pissed slightly

"That's a shame.. now, you know what, next time we can just stick to something you're actually good at, like folding laundry, or sucking-"

Van stopped him

"Stop being a sexist little shit"
I cut in, standing up, defending Nat

"Oh you buttercup, shut the fuck up, nobody even wants you here, your not even a part of this team, why did you get invited!"

He says to me, as the shock overcomes my body

Tears brimmed in my eyes, as I look at him in his eyes

"I wish I didn't accept the offer... MAYBE THAT WAY I WOULD STILL HAVE

I ran off sobbing
As I barely heard Nat say
"I'm going again"

I was upstairs in the cabin, hitting myself as I cried

"Stupid... stupid.. " a sob left my mouth, as I watched from the window, Nat did it this time, and as soon as she finished, she handed Van the gun, coming inside

I heard the ladder creaking

"What are you doing up here?"
She asked

"Getting away from everyone... "
I wiped my nose with my sleeve

"I'm sorry about that dick.. he had no right to say that.. " she said, putting her hand on my shoulder

I sigh and think about what i said

"That whole outburst was my boxed up emotion... you should go though, their leaving to the woods, with the gun.. hunting perhaps?"

She nods, and stands up,
"Come on" she hand me her hand,
and i take it

I climbed down after Nat, and I see Lottie waiting there

"You okay?" She asked, as Nat went to catch up with the group

"Ya.. I'm fine" I smiled lightly

"I'll stay with you, doubt your gonna go watch them, shooting cans"

"Ya... your right, I'm not" I giggled

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