Nursing from Misty !

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Y/n's Pov
After the unfortunate events of losing a few friends, and team-mates, everyone who had severe injuries, were tended to straight-away by Misty

It was impressive to see how much she knew about nursing

We still couldn't find Coach Martinez, so I assumed he was dead, I didn't really care, but I was sat on the ground, my right leg propped up, as Misty was dissingfecting it with some kind
Of face wash

And my god, it stung like a bitch.
I flinched as it Trickled into my skin and probably cleansing and mixing with my blood, inside my body, as the blood that ran down my leg was dry

Misty was slightly praising me, saying that I was doing well, and she was finished in no time
She tore a piece of my shirt, and rapped it around my wound

She helped me stand up, and I nodded my head in thanks, my voice was hoarse and scratchy as I say
"Thanks Misty.."

She nods, smiles and walks off to help sling someone's arm

"DAD!" I heard, I look to Javi, seeing him call out for his father, I frowned, knowing and having a sense that he
was dead

Taissa went over to him, two bodies were missing and that was Rose-mary's and Coach Martinez

I just couldn't do anything, but I sigh and walk off to find my luggage, I saw Laura-Lee sitting on her knees, snuggling her teddy bear close

I smile, and walk over to her, seeing that my suitcase was quite close beside her

So I opened it, and got mine, walking over to her, and crouching beside her, as she looked at me

"I also have a friend... maybe they could be-" I was cut off by her saying

She smiled happily, which made me crack a small one, as the tears still trickled, my eyes starting to sting from how much I was crying

But we see something drop on her bears head, a red drop.... looking like blood

We look up, and another lands on her head, she whipped it, looking at the smudged liquid on her hand, and it was indeed blood

She screamed, as I look in fear, the sight reminding me of Constance

Everyone crowded around, Lottie pulled Laura-Lee away, as I stayed where I was, until I felt someone grab my hand, and it was Jackie, pulling my head into her chest, to stop me from looking, as her gaze fixated on me in worry,
as shauna came over to us

"DAD!!!" Javi screamed, he tried to go over to him, even though he was high up in a tree, but Tai pulled him back

"Holy macaroni... is that?"

"He's got to be dead, right?"
Nat says, looking at the bloody hand, swish in the gentle breeze

"Don't look. Don't look!" Jackie says, to Javi, continuing with
"Okay. Who had the best arm?"

They all started bickering, but I pull away from Jackie, paying attention to Javi, I looked to see if he was okay

But Travis started climbing the tree, as everyone wasn't paying attention

We all called for his name, to come down before something happens

But he didn't listen, and climbed all the way up to the branch his dad's corpse was stuck on

I heard a snap, and grabbed Javi's hand, to make sure he has some type of comfort

But then, the tree fell to the ground, Shauna and I forced Javi's body to look the other way

I couldn't look at it for long myself, as it printed the image of  Connie in my head
Once again

" A Deal with Doom" Yellowjackets Lottie Mathews x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now