The Lake Part 2

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Lotties POV
"This shit is way longer than four miles. What if we missed it?"
Natalie says, in an annoyed tone

"From the angle of the sun, it looked just left of due north"
Tai says, as Jackie started more banter

"Left". That's a precise way of
doing it"

"I'm not a fucking cartographer" Tai rolled her eyes, looking back at Jackie

"Or maybe you saw a mirage"

Van stopped, and looked to the left

"Oh, shit. Oh, hell yeah, bitches!"

Everyone started running towards it, Y/n stayed a bit behind

"Come on" I say, grabbing her hand, and leading her to the water

Everyone ran in the water stripping of their clothes, and Y/n ran in, her clothes fully off, her confidence boosting in 5 seconds

Y/ns POV
I see Nat, Jackie and Mari talking, I swim over to them, and they are watching Travis

"Is Travis kinda.... hot?"

I started to snicker

"Ain't no way in hell is that thing attractive...  I'm sorry, but your wrong"
I say, and swim back to Lottie

The water was so cold, but It felt divine, getting all the blood off

"So.. "

I heard Lottie behind me, I turn around and smile at her

"Wanna wrestle Van and Shauna?"


"Okay" she smiled, going underwater, then rises, me sitting on her shoulders

"Damn .. you work out or something?"

"Lift weights" she says, walking over to them,
"Oh, you would Lotts, and you just confirmed it"

"Don't tell anyone, I'm telling everyone their natural muscles!"

We laugh to ourselves, but then she stopped, and rose up in the water more,
"Do you see that?"

Lottie asked
I look and see some sort of shine in the trees

"We should tell them-"
"GUYS!" Lottie calls out

"Look!" Pointing at the reflection


Everyone started rushing towards it

"We should go, don't wanna lose them"
I say to Lottie and she nods, smiling, helping me down of her shoulders

"This is the first time I've seen you smile since the plane... you know"

"Crashed?" I asked
She smiled sadly, and nodded

"Ya... I'm still upset about the whole thing... but I'm happy I can still have fun, even when being a little depressed about the whole thing"

I smile slightly, as I pick u my clothes, putting them on

We then start to catch up with the
rest of the group

" A Deal with Doom" Yellowjackets Lottie Mathews x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now