The Camp

515 19 6

Y/n's Pov
I was walking behind the group, as they all were carrying Coach Martinez on a big sheet of some kind of linen material

Jackie was beside me, and she wrapped her arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer, as some kind of comfort

My eyes were just complete waterworks today, I didn't know how to stop it, and nobody really knew how to
comfort me

Natalie, on the other hand, was giving some alcoholic substance to Travis

And Shauna, Laura-Lee, Taissa and Van all wander into the plane, getting as many body's as they can, I'm supposing to bury them

Natalie, was getting a small fire started, it shone and brightened up a small area around us

But Lottie was no where to be seen.
So I got up to go find her

Seeing her huddled over her 4 suitcases.
I sigh in relief, and walk over to her, she seems in a rush to find something

She had a small pink med box
pulled out, and she took a small capsule with pills in them, and she froze when she saw me

"It's fine, Lottie. I won't say anything "
I sniffle, and she nods, I crouch down beside her, and she swallows one down, counting how many she has left

A total of 7 was there, but since she just had one, 6

I helped her pack it away, and we both got up, abandoning her luggage,
for now, joining our friends around the fire

It was pitch black now, and there was an unsettling silence cast around the group

I look to see Javi beside me, we were the youngest of the group, so I let him cosy into my side, since
Travis was absent minded, and drunk, munching on some food that was left after the explosion

I hugged Javi tighter, as I see tears trickle down his face

"I'm sure the plane has an emergency transmitter sending out a distress signal. They'll be here to rescue us
by morning "

"Let's hope.. " I mutter, and Van was eating on a bag of CornNuts, making Jackie say

"Still... maybe we should conserve
some food? Incase they don't get here till later in the day?"

"You want to save the CornNuts?"

Which Van was right, that wouldn't fill us up much

Its been awhile since anyone spoke,
All that was heard was the fire crackling and the faint breathes leaving everyone's mouths and noses

"You okay, Laura-Lee?" Van spoke, making everyone look at her

"This is all my fault. I did something really bad.."
She mutters, I look down to Javi, who was half asleep, who was completely cuddled into my side, and holding my teddy bear

"I kept screwing up in my piano lesson last week. Mrs. Brophy kept yelling
at me. Sharp, F sharp, F sharp.."
She sniffled, before continuing letting the tears fall

Since I was on her left, I stuck out my hand and grabbed it, flashing her a small smile, and a faint nod

"I... I just. I couldn't take it anymore.
So I called her a bad word. Just in my head, but... God heard me.
Now we're all being punished"

Tai then asks
"What did you call her?"
To which Laura-Lee whispers

Van tried to stop herself from laughing, as Taissa's hand collides with her shoulder, as a way of telling her to shut up

I felt Javi start to laugh a little aswell, I didn't really, and everyone started to laugh, and Van and Tai cackling the loudest

"I steal shitty clothes from T.J. Maxx"
Lottie spoke up


"I return them, and I get credit that I never use, and I have thousand of dollars in T.J. Bucks"

Everyone starts laughing even more, as Javi pulled away from me, and laughing too, he handed me my bear back, and I nodded at him

I knew someone was eyeing me, because I wasn't laughing at all, and it was Nat

"I.. uh. I used to sneak downstairs after everybody had gone to bed and watch the Colour of Night, so I could pause it on Bruce Willis's wang"
Jackie confessed

Everyone cackling like a pack of
hyenas again, and me, I was still leant up against my tree, only a little, and not very noticeable smile on my face

"That's definitely why we crashed "

"I mean.. Jeff's not bad, but
damnn.... right?!"

"Rose-Mary, Constance and I use to sneak out, every Saturday at midnight, and sneak into the theatres to watch porn.." I giggly lightly,

"And I remember the first time we did that, I started crying because I thought we were going to watch Heathers"

Everyone started to laugh at the image

"What about you, Shipman?
Any secrets big enough to crash a goddamn plane?"

She was silent for a moment, looking into Jackie's eye, and smiling slightly

That's some sexual connection if you
ask me...

They can't be just friends though?

"Um.." she was cut off by a loud scream, making me flinch and clinge onto Laura-Lee, her looking at me in worry

Tai, Nat and Akilah ran up to see what was wrong, Lottie came over to me, putting her arm over my shoudler

She started pulling me away from Laura-Lee, and closer to the fire, sitting me down

"I think you should sleep now" she said, and I looked up at her, she towers over me, and i look back towards the three girls

Lottie came back with blankets, I'm assuming these where from the plane, luckily that survived the flames

She passed me one, showing me so much kindness after what happened today, and I laid back, my head reaching the pillow, Lottie also got for me

I fell asleep, my eyes, completely exhausted from crying like a shower faucet

My bear, was cuddled close to me, my head resting on its legs, and lower tunmy, as we all slept under the gaze of the twinkling stars and moon

" A Deal with Doom" Yellowjackets Lottie Mathews x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now