EPISODE 7: No Compass

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Lotties Pov
"Tai, everyone thinks this is a bad idea"
Van has been trying to reason with Tai all morning- probably all night from how desperate she seemed...

Y/n hasn't been acting right either... she's much more to herself... usually she's huddled up with Laura-Lee... or Javi, sometimes I see her talking to Jackie... Jackie was always good at cheering everyone up.

"Well, we have to do something. We're starving. There's nothing to hunt."

"The animals might be migrating."
Misty spoke up..

"That's probably why the only game we've seen for weeks was the one sick deer... and it's just gonna keep getting colder, and not 'I better put on my coat' cold. We're talking 'dying feels like falling asleep' cold."

Tai stops... seeing if anybody would agree with her.

Y/n just looks down... she didn't seem good AT ALL... somethings up.... everyone suspects its because she only started eating the last time we actually got game... but it's something else, not even Laura-Lee knows...

"What do you think, lottie?"

Laura-Lee's voice snapped me out of my thoughts... I hadn't even really been paying attention.... everyone just looks
at me.

"I don't know..."

"Look, guys. Anyone who wants to come with me is welcome, but I'm going."

"Your gonna want to take stuff with you. Like food and supplies? That's not up
to you"

"But you can't send her out there
with nothing"
Shauna spoke up, van quickly interrupting again.

"This is insane! We don't know WHERE we we are, just that we're surrounded by big-ass mountains.  What are you now, Edmund fucking Hillary?"

Mari asks, but gets no answer

"Like I said... We're not on an Island. If we go south, we've got to run into something eventually. A road, a town, anything"

Tai tries to reason... calmly... I look at Y/n again... she just looked so lost.. not
much to say...

"No. You can't take the rifle. I'm all for whst you're trying to  do, tai, but the gun has to stay."

Tai nods at what Nat says...
"Okay. I could bring some of the stuff we don't use everyday. One of the axes, the compass..-"

"There's a flare gun in the dead guys plane"

Jackie spoke up.. and Van looks at her, I can't tell if its anger or worry.

"Don't tell me.... you, of ALL people... are kn board with this!"

"What she's saying makes sense... I mean if she's willing to go, then... "

I hear a shuffle beside me...  y/n holds onto my arm... she has been recently clinging to me... but not as much as Laura-Lee... I smile at her lightly... but she doesn't even acknowledge it.

"What if you're wrong.. what if there's just nothing?"

Laura-Lee spoke up, making y/n perk up...

"I don't know..."
Tai says.. but I hear y/n whine lightly... she was thinking the same thing I was..

"You do know..."
I look up at tai...

"Yeah. If I'm wrong, I'll die out there"

Everyone pauses... thinking of that outcome breaking everybody's heart... I felt y/n shake... making me rub her arm...

I knew it... she wasn't over the deaths of her girlfriend and best friend... or our  teammates who had passed, that she cheered for... and can't think about losing anybody else, it's obvious... I can see it in her sad eyes... its all anybody can see out of her nowadays... not the lively, bubbly cheerleader she once was.

Y/n, Laura-Lee, and I all wander off from the group to where the group left the deer to burn...

Laura-Lee spoke up

"Why didn't you tell them about your dream?!"

"She wouldn't have listened..."
I mutter... as we all crouched around the deer... but then i catch a glimpse of white, in the crisp, burnt flesh of the deer... I pull it out, and it was a
spine bone...

"This bone didn't burn at all..."

"That's weird..."
Y/n spoke up.. her voice was hoarse, broken and obvious she'd been crying.

" A Deal with Doom" Yellowjackets Lottie Mathews x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now