The deer

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Y/n's Pov
Currently, I was starting up a fire, incase Nat and Travis cone back with some meat

And they actually did, a deer.
Van was clapping and went to go help them set it down

"Nice work you two"
Ben says, and I smiled at them both

"It was all Natalie.."
Travis says, putting his hand on her shoulder

"So.. what do we do with it now?"

"First we-"
"Bleed it out.." I cut in

"Ya- your right.. so, who wants to try?"
Ben asked, holding up a knife

"I'll give it a try" Shauna volunteered
She took the knife, and sliced down the throat, as Coach instructed

I get uncomfortable and hid my face, as Lottie pulls me close to her

I look at her a little shocked, but she smiled at me, so I quickly get over it, and rest my head against her


The fire crackled, as our fingers were covered in blood, and the chopped up meat, we put on the end of sticks, so it would cook, and everyone dug into their share, but not me

"Hey... y/n.. aren't you going to eat... you gave your share to everyone else at the crash site... you haven't ate in awhile?"
I heard Nat ask, concern lacing her voice

"I... oh... um, I'm not hungry.. thanks"
I say,
Looking at the meat infront of me

We then see Travis give something to Javi, a smile was on his face, and same with Natalies, I smile at seeing Javi and Travis getting along again

We heard a loud thud, and I look back to see Coach Ben fell on the ground

"Oh.. my god, are you ok?!"
Misty says, setting down her things

"Oh.. wow.. you need to be more careful"
She says, crouching down beside him, as he looks at her weird

" A Deal with Doom" Yellowjackets Lottie Mathews x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now