The Party 🥳

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Y/n's Pov
I was in the front seat of Rosie's car and Connie was in the back, as we were jamming out to my music tapes

We finally arrived, and we got out in a hurry, going straight to the drinks, not me though, as I'm driving us home

They picked up a red solo cup full of a fruity alcohol drink, they cheered and clicked their cups together, then taking a sip

I smile and look around, seeing that there was music playing, so I grabbed Connie's and Rosie's hands, pulling them away from the alcohol table, them quickly refilling their already
half empty cups

We then all started dancing to the music playing and they started drinking so much  that Rosie fell over, black out drunk

"Well... that's great.." I started, but then Connie started being touchy with me

"Connie, stop, people are looking ", she sobered up fast, and carried Rose-Mary to the car, hoping she'd be fine for awhile

Also, we've been dancing, partying and drinking for about 2 hours, the time did fly, but I saw that there was some type of fight happening between the
Yellowjackets team

I overheard them fighting about Allie's leg, which was an accident, may
I point out

It's not fully her fault, sure her plan was terrible, but fighting before going to Nationals wasn't the best thing

"Yellowjackets! With me!" Jackie says, beckoning them all into a space
nobody was

"You should have a drink...." I heard Constance whisper to me

"No.. I'm not, I'm driving us home"

"Ughhhhhhh~ fine" she ended up not complaining about it, and we continued to party like there was no tomorrow

"Wanna frick?"
She questioned

"Um... your drunk, so no"
I say, which she follows up with
"We've been together 2 years, and your still a little virgin. When will it change"

"Soon... I think?"
I questioned myself

I sighed and see that she was about to pass out too, so I decided to take her and Rose-mary home

I pushed her all the way to the car, and walked to the driver seat, I started up the car, and changed the gear,
and took off

I brought Rosie to her house, and her boyfriend was home from his work hours, so he took her into his arms and quickly brought her into the house to get ready for bed, as we have an early day tomorrow

I then drove me and Connie to my house, and she woke up as I stopped
the car

"Thank god" I mutter, I know I wouldn't be able lift her for shit

I drag her to our bedroom, and push her on the bed, going to the bathroom to get her some tablets

She took them, as I shoved them down her throat, and she sipped some water to help them go down quicker

I went to the bathroom, took off my makeup and quickly stripped of my clothes, putting Connie's oversized t-shirt on, and got in bed beside her

"Mmmm~ you look so cute in my shirt" she said, with a sugar-coated tone, over her normally raspy voice

I smile and kiss her forehead
"Sleep baby, you need it" I say, and turn around to face the other way, she quickly clinged onto me from behind, spooning my smaller body

I smile and quickly fell asleep

We were also fully ready for the morning, our two suitcases packed,
and ready

I tried to make this chapter long
But oml there's nothing to it, exept party
And drunk people 😭

" A Deal with Doom" Yellowjackets Lottie Mathews x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now