The Lake

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Y/n's Pov
Lottie was the one to come looking for me after I ran away, she convinced me to come back to the crash site, taking my hand and leading me there

When we got back, I avoided eye contact with everyone, and just sat down

They were splitting food, and I denied my half

"I... um.. Im not hungry"
I say, as Van tries to pass me the food

"What? How... you haven't eaten since we crashed, three days, Y/n, three days, I'd be pretty hungry if that was me"
Van protested

I look down, and Van sighs
"Okay... but nobody touches this..."
She says, putting my share in the box

"Can you drink this atleast?"
I look to Mari, who held out a small plastic cup, and I sigh, taking it, just looking at the water in the
cup for a moment, before taking
a small, savory sip, as to not waste it

It has been a short period of three days since we crashed, no rescue team in sight

Some team-mates left, not wanting to wait, and haven't returned yet, so I'm guessing got lost or something

"Guys!!" We heard Tai shout, snapping me out of my thoughts

"There's a lake! It looks about four or five miles away "

"Do you think we can hike it?"
Shauna asks

"It's pretty rocky, but yeah" Tai answers, and Jackie interrupted, saying

"Uh, we, uh, can't .. we can't
just leave"

"We've got two days of water, tops. And then what, just sit around and die?"

"What if the rescue team comes?"
Jackie continues to protest

"Do you think they're taking their time on purpose?"

Tai paused, looking around, her gaze stopping on Van

"If they knew where we were, they would be here already "

"You don't know that.."
Jackie and Tai continued to bicker

"What do you think, Coach?"
Tai asked

"I.. I don't know. Uh, I mean, you'd have to leave me behind, I guess, but whatever "
He stutters all through this, and is still shocken up from these previous events

"We can make you a stretcher!!"
Tai quickly butted in

"Oh, okay.."

"Seriously. If we take turns carrying it.."

"NO! this is bullshit. I say no.. okay,
no way" Jackie cut her off

"Let's put it to a vote. All in favour of waiting here... "
Jackie puts up her hand, as does Lottie, Laura-Lee and Mari

"All in favour of the lake" says Tai, making everyone else put up there hand, minus me

Tai looks at me
"Well, Y/n.. what do you want to do?"

"I... I um.." I look at Connie's grave

Tai comes up to me, putting her hand on my shoulder

"Look... I know Constance was your girlfriend... but.. the lake could give you a break from all of this... okay!?"

I look at her grave again, I really didn't want to leave, but

Tai convinced me, and I nod my head
She smiles at me, and everyone grabs their stuff

So I comply

I look to Connie's grave, one last time, before grabbing my two bags, one being a wheelie one, the other being a backpack

My backpack contained my Walkman.. I smile, still having it, and I quickly put my bear into the backpack, to not
forget them

Shauna left a message on the plane in lipstick, Reading


Everyone agreed for me, being the weakest here, along with Javi, shouldn't carry the stretcher

So, we all set off, following Van, as she lead the group

As we got closer, and walked far away from the plane, we smelt a vomiting worthy smell

"What is that smell?" Lottie was the first to point it out, and Nat replied

"I don't know.."

But then, I look over to my left, to see a dead looking bear, its body shrivelled up, its fur still on its body, and its guts spilling out of it

"Oh... God, I'm gonna puke"
"Same" I say, grabbing Nats hand, , as the nerves shot up
and looking me look away from it

"What could've done that?" Shauna asked

"A wolf, probably " Coach says

"They can kill a fucking bear?"
"Yeah, if in a pack.." he answers Nats question

"Let's keep moving!" Nat pesters, pulling me with her

" A Deal with Doom" Yellowjackets Lottie Mathews x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now