Oh Deer...

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Y/n's Pov
I was sat in between Lottie and Laura-Lee, as we wait for Nat and Travis to return to the cabin...

Once they do, everyone cheers, going over to help them... but Van stops... the deers antlers had blood, and some kind of organ hanging off them...

"Woah. That thing is gnarly..."
Van mutters

"It's like Freddy krueger and Bambi had a baby..."

I lean into Laura-Lee's arm, and she wraps it around my shoulder, as I look at the deer in slight disgust...

"Im not eating that..."
Javi stated.. and fair enough, it was super unappetising.

"Guys, relax. Deer shed their antlers every season. This is normal. Shauna, do the honors?"

Shauna exhaled... putting her bag on the ground, and taking out her knife.

Once she cuts it open... her hand rips open its weak skin, and maggots get all over her hands....

I gag... putting my hand over my mouth, and I walk away to throw up... Lottie came over and held my hair back, rubbing my back.

"That normal too, Coach?"
Jackie questioned him...

"Im not crazy..." Lottie mutter.. looking at the deer again..

"No... you have a gift..."

Laura-Lee says gently to Lottie, as I stood up straight... whining from the vomit... thank god I brought a full tube of toothpaste or I'd be screwed....

"We cannot keep fucking doing this, you guys. What happens when winter gets here!? We fucking starve to death, or freeze!? We can't count on getting rescued anymore.  All of us know that is not gonna happen. We have to save us!"

She paused... catching her breath...
"That's why im gonna go find help. Im leaving in the morning. Come with me if you want to get out of this fucking hellhole"

She finished... walking into the cabin, as she says that...

I look up at Lottie and Laura-Lee... as they look at me too... then to eachother... and we all take our original seats, my head rests on Lotties shoulder as she holds my hand, her thumb rubbing my knuckles, as Laura-Lee talks to us both to distract us from what had just happened...

(New ship tbh, Laura-Lee, lottie and

" A Deal with Doom" Yellowjackets Lottie Mathews x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now