The Cabin

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Y/n's Pov
I heard everyone shouting,

Lottie and I finally see what the fuss was about, everyone was looking around an old, small cabin

Lottie looked in dread, I look at her and put my hand on her shoulder

"You okay?" I asked her, snapping her out of her daze

She nodded her head and said

"Something feels off about this place.."

I look at her in confusion
But I smile, and comfort her nonetheless, shes ran out her medication,
I don't wanna hurt her feelings

But, i get what she meant, now that I look at it.

It's like someone wanted us to be here

They got the door down, and everyone starts to go in

Tai looked back at us, and i look at Lottie
Her gaze still fixated on the cabin

"Come on...  " I smile at her, and she nods, dragging me with her

Entering the cabin, we look in disgust, at how filthy it was

I look at the cobwebs, and instantly grow uncomfortable

I could hear faint pitter-patters, on the walls, the spiders lingering on them, I'm assuming

Making me put down my bag, and Van come out with a bunch of naked people on magazines

"So... we have porn?" I asked
They nod

I look at it, and see a penis

I started to laugh, and Van looked too
We look at eachother, and start laughing very hard

I cackled, and Van started wheezing

"I- oh my god.... Fuck!" I say, between laughs

I see Javi crying, so I frown and go after him, immediately stopping laughing

"What the fuck?" I heard someone mutter

"Bipolar much..."
Someone muttered, as I sat beside Javi, who sat out on the front porch

"Hey kid" I smiled
"Your 2 years older than me"
He says, sniffling

"I know... but your only 13.... almost 14, I'm assuming? "

I ask him, smiling softly

He looked at me and nodded

"Why are you so nice to me...?"

"Because you need it.." I say to him, smiling

"You need it too..." I look at him, knowing what he meant

"Don't... bring it up.. okay?" I smile at him again, wiping a few stray tears

"You want to talk to anyone.. come to me.. or your brother , obvi-"

"I'll come to you.." I look at him, a bit suprised

"He... he's kind of scary.. right now"

"Oh... no.. don't worry to much about it.. it'll be like that for awhile.. everyone copes in different ways.. this is just how Travis will, but it won't last forever"

He looks at me again, a joyful smile on his face

"Thank you.." he said, hugging me, and I hug him back

"Just remember... I'm the youngest one here, that isn't you.. so talking to me won't be weird, I hope,
it'll be like... I was your friend even before this crash "

He smiled, pulling away from me, we sat in silence, until we hear someone fall, it was Coach Ben

He fell off the porch, I quickly went over , trying to help him, but he just shooed me away, so i back off

As he screamed in pain, annoyance .

Misty tried comforting him, but he slapped her, not on purpose, I'm assuming

I look inside, Lottie looking at the ground

"Lottie?" I say, smiling at her
"You oka-"

"I just have a bad feeling about this place, a really bad feeling.. "
She mutters

I sigh and leave it at that, sitting
with her

"It'll be okay, Lottie... I'm here if you need to talk"
I smile at her, leaning my head onto her shoulder

" A Deal with Doom" Yellowjackets Lottie Mathews x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now