Thanks Mr Matthews!!

605 21 6

Wordcount: 714

Y/n's Pov
Currently, I was brushing my teeth as Constance changed into her clothes, putting away her pajamas

I spat out my toothpaste and went and changed too, so I took off my oversized t-shirt, and Connie's cold hands on my body, making me shiver

"Wanna have some fun before we go?"
She asked, I felt her smirk against my bare shoulder

"No.. no I don't "
"Why? Okay, I don't mean to push you, but I don't want to die a virgin"

"What do you mean? We have the rest of our lives to have sex"
I say to Connie, as she just shakes
her head

"What if the plane crashes, what would happen then? You die a virgin, or I die, you don't have sex with me"
She contemplates

"The plane won't crash"
I smile lightly at her
"Don't worry Constance.. trust me"
I cup her face and pull her into a kiss, which she returned

She sighs
"Fine. But I'm still a little sad"
She smiled lightly, but a look of disappointment in her eyes

I quickly grab my Walkman, and exit the house, locking the door behind me, as Connie starts up the car

I quickly got in and she drives us to the airport, the whole car ride was silent, the radio wasn't even on

In the 2 years we have been dating, its never been this quiet

I held my breath too, it felt akward to breathe

As soon as the car was turned off, I felt her grab my hand

"I'm sorry... that was... so wrong, you know I don't mean to push you"
She apologised, kissing my knuckles, running her fingertips along them

"I know baby... I know you didn't mean any harm" I say, leaning in to kiss her lips, briefly

Quickly pulling away, she smiles
"Come on... let's go support our team winning nationals

I see Rose-mary's car and we quickly make our way to meet her, halfway

"ROSIE!!" I shout slightly, hugging her
"Let's go see out team win nationals!!"

We then all do our secret handshake we share, called Rabbit check

We make our way up the steps of the private jet, Lottie dad bought for the team

I came on the plan after Lottie, looking around the plane in shock, it was one of the fanciest things I've ever seen

My parents house was more fancy though, nothing is more posh than my parents

I heard Natalie mutter
"Wicked..." with a smile in her tone

"I can't believe your dad paid for a private plane" Van exclaimed in shock, of how nice it was

"Ya.. its pretty much his only form of parenting. I guess I'll take it"
Lottie shrugs

"Well, thank you, Mister Mathew's "
Laura-lee joined in on the
"Mister Mathew's "

With a silly voice
I giggled at their antiques, and I sat beside Connie, as Rose went and sat by the window seat on her own, she hated planes, and needed all the space she required

"Hey, Y/n.. I hope Rosie will be okay, do you think she will?"

"Yes, she'll be fine Misty, don't worry. But if it makes you worry less, maybe she would like the watchful eyes of a friend" I answered the curly blondes
Question, as she smiles at my
kind response, quickly growing confused

"Wait... me? Her friend?"
"Ya. Your my friend, so your hers too"

Her eyes light up with glee

"You consider me a friend?"

"Was the usual Pep Rally's cheers together not evidence enough"

She smiled widely and sat back down in her seat, across from us

"Your so cute when your kind to the nerdy people " she smiled at me

"Like the popular girl, who isn't a complete bitch " she whispers

I grab her hand and we link arms, as they rest on the armrest between us

I lean in and try my best to sleep
I heard the unravelling of paper beside me, and Connie asks

I nod, and she unravelled another piece, putting it in my mouth for me, smiling I chew it, and the flavour of bubblegum fills my mouth

"I'll wake you up when we are there" She whispers sweetley in my ear, as I start to drift to sleep

" A Deal with Doom" Yellowjackets Lottie Mathews x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now