Unsettling events

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Y/n's Pov
"Do we think it's still up there?"
Akilah asks, as we all try settle down for bed... referring to the ghost that possessed Lottie.

I was curled up with Laura-Lee on our beds pushed beside eachother... I heavily leaned onto Laura-Lee ever since we  crashed... she was the only person sane enough to take care of herself, and I.

Taissa gets annoyed, pushing herself up

"You all need to stop. There's nothing up there. Lottie's beeb acting weird for weeks".

Laura and I look over to Lottie, who was sound asleep... snoring lightly... Laura-Lee and I were the ones to fix up her head, Misty wasn't anywhere to be found after the seance... so.

"Fine" Taissa started to gather her things, "I'll prove it"

"You're going to sleep up there??"
Akilah asked, nervously

"That's right. Who's with me?"
Taissa asked, confidently.

I just cuddle into Laura-Lee, and she tries to comfort me... pulling my head to her chest... whispering
"it'll be ok.. they can't get you, I'm here.."
So quietly, only I could hear her.

Laura-Lee then started praying

"Fine. More room for me, then"
She says, walking off to the attic, going up the ladder.

I just hid my face in Laura-Lees shoulder, until she stopped praying... once she did, she played with my hair, to soothe me to sleep.

" A Deal with Doom" Yellowjackets Lottie Mathews x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now