Natalie and Travis sittin in a tree-

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Y/n's Pov
Everyone was sitting outside, waiting for Natalie and Travis to come back, hopefully with food for us all... but when they get back, everyone start to teasingly whistle... I get slightly confused... raising my head up from Laura-Lee's shoulder.

Their lips were both puffy, and hair messy.

"Natalie and Travis sitting in a tree.
K-I-S-S-I -"

Laura-Lee chants with another teammate I don't know well, as lottie interrupted

"I think they were doing a bit more than kissing.."

"Hey, Nat, what exactly are you and Flex hunting for out there, anyway?"

"I hear its beaver season!"

Van interrupted, answering Mariska question before Nat could speak.

"Ah, sit and spin, assholes"

Nat says, flipping us all off

I giggle with everyone else, and make eye contact with Lottie... it didn't last long, as Jackie interrupted

"Is this why we don't have any food? Cause you've been too busy running for mayor of pound town?"

This makes me a bit annoyed.. were all teenagers... and relying on them to feed us all the time is unfair.. but I also saw her point.

I look at Laura-Lee... and she just puts her hand on my knee... tapping it slightly

"Uh, go fuck yourself"
Nat spoke up.

"I guess we shouldn't be suprised. Nat's always down for a good time, right?"

"I can't magically conjure a deer, Jackie. But keep talking shot, I'll find something to shoot"

"Oh wow. Oh, your so tough. I'm not scared of you, burnout"

I look at lottie, my eyes wide.. her expression was no different to mine...

Nat and Jackie walk up closer to eachother... 2 steps away from eachother

"No. You're jealous. Cause you're an uptight, prudish little bitch-"

Tai pushes Nat away, gently.

"Hey! Knock it off. Both of you"

Jackie storms off inside... and Nat walks off somewhere.

" A Deal with Doom" Yellowjackets Lottie Mathews x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now