Jackie's Brainstorm

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Y/n's Pov

I was sitting down by the front window, closest to the fire, as I had finished my chore to help out, and my other was to help cook.. so I couldn't do so until Natalie and Travis came back.

I sigh.. but I flinch when i hear Mari screaming... so I instantly stand up, and follow her outside, as she shrieks

"Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!!"

I quickly put my hand on her bicep, to try steady her and keep her calm, Shauna ran over to check to see what she was eagerly pestering us to get off.

"Mari, get what off??"
I ask, as Shauna asked

"What happened??" As she still search about to look for why she was so distressed

"I don't know! I-I was standing under the trapdoor. But something crawled down my shirt!!"

"But.. Mari there's nothing there??"
I put a comforting hand on her shoulder, as I rub it lightly..

"There's nothing, we swear, it's fine..."
Shauna confirmed what I said, as Mari looks down at me.

"Must have been the ghost"
Taissa teased.. with her arms crossed

"Don't say that!"
Mari says, defensively

"Wh- you guys"
Jackie gasps slightly.. coming over to the group
"Okay, you guys, I just had a brainstorm"

Everyone pauses.. as our attention turns to Jackie, who looked at us with a smug smile, and arms crossed.

"We should have... a seance"
This made Taissa chuckle, shaking her head slightly, as she makes eye contact with Jackie

"That's a terrible idea. Also, we're not in middle school"

I hold onto Laura-Lee's arm... as she smiles at me..

"But remember how fun this shit used to be? Besides, maybe if we can laugh about this, then it would help"

"The occult is no laughing matter"
Laura-Lee says, almost to quickly... making me nod in agreement.. just not wanting to do the seance...

"It's not the occult, Laura-Lee.
It's a game. Come on, Shauna, tell them. It'll be fun"

Shauna hesitated for a second, looking at us.. then back at Jackie

"Well... I mean, its not like we have anything better to do"

"Anything would be better than a seance..."
I chirp up... Van looked at me, and smirked, chuckling lightly

"I think your just scared~"
She teased

"AM NOT!!"
I blush from embarrassment...

"Mhm.. you keep telling yourself that.."

I look up at Shauna, as she shrugs
"Maybe this dead guy can give us some life advice"

This made Taissa laugh, and Van snicker

"So, it's settled. Tonight, the attic. We make contact"

This makes everyone chuckle, Laura-Lee walks off.. holding up her hands in defence, as a way of
'I didn't warn you'

..I don't laugh either, quickly following after Laura-Lee

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