EPISODE 6: Scavenging

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Y/n's Pov
I was currently searching for food, as was everyone else, little snacks, such as berries to keep us going until Natalie and Travis find any game.. but there was none in sight.

"Seriously? How the fuck are there no fucking berries!?" Mari complained, kicking a Bush... i roll my eyes, Mari was starting to really annoy me..  if we resort to eating anyone, I'm volunteering her first.

Van sighs, sitting down on a trunk... as Akilah says
"The birds could be picking them off. Or- or mice?"

"I'd eat the crap out of a mouse right now"
Van mutters...

Mari and Akilah say

"Like you two wouldn't either... you always complain about how hungry you all are..." I murmur

"Whatever Y/n... atleast we actually eat..."
Mari glares at me as she said that

"You know, some animals live off eating their own vomit"

"Okay. Thanks for that image, Lott"
Van responds

"Did dead cabin guy tell you that, or do you guys just chat about blood and stuff?"

Mari says with a soft chuckle, thinking she ate...

"No, we mostly talk about how Danny Mears dumped you for his own cousin"

Lottie says, making me laugh... and i follow after her... holding onto her hand

"Hey, they're seconds cousins. And that's totally legal, you know"

Akilah defended her, making me scoff and lottie to roll her eyes.

Lottie stops walking... looking off into the distance... but nothings there.

"Hey, look, ignore Mari, okay? I don't think shes taken a shit in, like, two weeks"


Lottie blandly responded to Van.

"Are you okay?"
Lottie looks to where she was looking... still nothing in sight... then back to Van

"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing. It- it's fine"

I just watch as they talk... not uttering a word, but a small whine at Lottie's grip getting tighter by the second.


Van then walks off... Lottie took one last look.. before quickly pulling me with her


" A Deal with Doom" Yellowjackets Lottie Mathews x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now