Episode 5: This is How We Do It

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Y/n's Pov
I sat down beside Travis, not to close, but near enough, as Mari put on music, using a mix tape player

The song
"This is how we do it"

Came on, everyone, but me, Travis and Coach started to dance, I wasn't feeling all that happy, and energetic to do so

They all start to do dance moves, like the running man and Bart Simpson

I smiled as they started to cheer on Javi, as he did an unknown move, he probably made up, and it made my heart melt, as he definitely needs that sort of attention

The mix tape started to slow, and the music stopped

"God damn it" Van said, coming up to it, then started to hit it lightly

"Has hitting something ever fixed it?" She asked,
to which Mari spoke up
"Maybe try blow on it"

Van did so, it not working still, then a creak from the attic was heard, everyone going quiet for a second

"Uh, the fuck was that?" Jackie asked, like any of us would know

"Hey, you heard it too?"
Lottie asked, suprised

"It's kinda hard to miss Lottie... I mean.. we are the only people here right?
You and Tai were up there, no trace of any people being up there, its probably a... an animal..
I don't think we should worry about it"

I spoke up, hoping to calm everyones nerves, but i knew they didn't buy the
'It's an animal' crap

"You know what it probably was?" Nats says, with a slight smirk, as I stand up, and walk over to her

"The dead guys missing fingers trying to find their way home"

Everyone started to complain about her ghost story

"You really have to encourage them? And scare Y/n?" Tai spoke, as she looked at me, I was clutching onto Van's arm, as she cackled at me

"She looks like she shat her pants!!"
She started to wheeze, as she pull away, and hit her arm


I sigh annoyed, and let go of Van, as she calms down

"You know what I think it was?"
Coach spoke up, as we all look to him
He continued
"I think the ghost decided it was time
to get some sleep. And we should do the same... ya?"

I think about it for a second, and think that it was a good idea, as we were all still tired from
the events of what occurred

Everyone agrees, and it was settled

So we all snuggled up cozy in our sleeping bags, and I feel sleep come to me after a few hours, of tossing and turning, with silent cries,
sobs and tears, with my bear in my arms

I felt like I was being watched, the whole time... it freaked me out so much.. making it harder to fall asleep

I fall asleep nonetheless, hoping nothing happens as I sleep, like the cabin burning down or... someone biting into someone's leg

That would be freaky

" A Deal with Doom" Yellowjackets Lottie Mathews x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now