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"You left him. How could you do that? Did you forget him? You forgot about your love?" *laughing voice*

I know it's me. Y/n. This is my voice. But I can't see anything. It's dark.

"You left me y/n. You forgot me. You never loved me." I know this voice. It's Taehyung's.

"You left me y/n. You left me. You left me y/n. You left me."

It echoed all around. I can't. I just can't. I covered my ears with my hands. Still this voice is getting worse.

"Y/n!! Y/n!! Y/n!!" I looked up. Now I can see Tae under a white light going away from me.

"I'm going." I stood up to stop him.

"Stop! Tae stop! Don't leave me. I can't live without you. I'm sorry. Please don't leave me." I begged while sobbing but he left.

"Taehyung!!" I woke up screaming from a nightmare. Sweat forming on my forehead. My heart is like it'll expand any time. A tear fell down from my eye beneath my cheek. My hands are shaking. I took the glass besides me on the table and drank the water. It's only 3am.

"Again. Again this dream. Why?" I sighed. I'm not sleepy anymore.

I got up from my bed and went to the glass wall and looked at the night yet morning view of Paris. Yes I'm in Paris now. Why? Bcz my Boss told me at the very moment when I was at the Heathrow Airport, London returning to Seoul.

So here we go,


I went to the airport. My phone buzzed. I checked the ID "Sweet Devil 😈" Yes he's Mr Lee, my Boss.

I've saved his number like this since when I joined his company. He's very sweet and kind but he used to be a devil.

He treats me like his own daughter bcz he always tells me that my eyes remind of his late daughter whom he lost the day she was born.

I know I'm changed now. I'm mature enough to understand every situation, accept everything.

But I didn't change his ID from "Sweet Devil 😈" to anything else bcz he saw this once and told me not to change so I kept it like this.

He wanted me to be his daughter in law. But I refused him saying that I don't want to get married. And fortunately he didn't mind it at all.

On the call

Boss- Good morning.
Y/n- good morning.

He- where are you my child?
Me- at Heathrow Airport. Why?

He- Um.. I want you to go to Paris to attend an award function on behalf of me as there's an important schedule here so I couldn't make it.

Me- What??!! Are you serious?!!!! I'm not going there. No! Not at all.

I'm shocked at his request. I don't want to go to Paris. Never!

He- y/n My child please understand. It's very important. Please..
He pleaded.

Me- Okay fine I'm going.
After 10mins of argument. Now I'm going. I must say it's very important.

He- I knew it. You can't refuse. That's why I've already booked tickets for you. Mr Kang has been waiting for you. Take the tickets from him.

Me- I can't believe this!!
He- haha bye! Safe journey!
Me- bye! I hung up angrily.

I went to Mr Kang. He gave me the tickets and I thanked him.

*Flashback ends.*

Time skip

It's 4:30am. I'm still at the same position looking at the city lights of Paris. Tears are falling down my cheeks. I'm crying. Why?

"I don't want to be here. I want to go back. This city!! I can't live in this city not a single minute. I don't hate Paris. I love Paris but.... Every time I think or see something about Paris, it reminds me of....... Taehyung? The person whom I want to forget? No. I don't want to forget him. I want to forget that once I loved him. I still love him. But he's not mine anyway. And that hurts. Paris is the city of Love. It reminds me of Tae, his eyes, his smile, his everything. And that's the reason I don't want to come here."

I wiped my tears and went to freshen up. I stare at my reflection in the mirror. My smile. It's gone since the day Tae....... Now I'm under the shower soaking myself in the cold water. It's a relief that I'm going back to Korea today. My flight is at 7pm. So I've to wait the whole day. I sighed.

A/N- It's boring I know I know bcz it's the first part.. 😒 I'm sure you'll enjoy the next part.. ;) hehe (well idk that it depends on you 🥲)

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 ─𝐉𝐉𝐊 (𝐊𝐓𝐇) Where stories live. Discover now