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I took a seat in front of Sara at the dining table and we started eating silently until she broke it.

"we're having dinner after so many days right." she said looking at her plate.

She took the salad by the fork and placed it in her mouth, chewed it and looked at me with a little sad smile.

I looked at her. her habits are still the same. eating with a pout. just like Tae. cute.

"hmm" that's all i said and she looked back at her plate and took another piece of carrot in her fork. I too looked at my plate and continued.

"it feels like decades." she said and this time i stayed silent.



"where's the extra blanket? I can't find it here." Sara said searching for a blanket.

I looked at her from my laptop. "where are you going?"

"umm.. guest room?" "why?" "umm.. I thought you wouldn't like it if I sleep here with you"

"no need you can sleep here" I turned my gaze towards my laptop again. "huh?" "you heard me sara you can sleep here."

I know the last time we stayed with each other was at her home, which is now a venue. I sighed.

"are you sure?" she looked at me still hesitating and that really made me irritated.

"I never told you that I'm uncomfortable with you Sara. you know that. why are you behaving like a kid? If you sleep here I don't have any problem but why do you think like I do? I know I might be behave different but I never said I don't like you or love you anymore. as a friend I'm still the same, still that y/n who used to be your friend but just a bit different and you know that very well. and I would really appreciate if you sleep here without thinking anything which doesn't make any sense actually. if you don't want to sleep in the bed you can sleep on the floor I don't have any problem with that. it's just you'll be catching cold tomorrow and I won't be responsible at all. did you get that? now good night."

"good night." she hurriedly slept on the bed back facing me.

to be honest I said a lot but I didn't lie. I might hide a lot of things from her but I never replaced Sara with anyone. in fact I can never. I might act rude but I'm grateful to Sara and for our friendship. I never thought she'd think like that. maybe I made her think like that.

"I'm sorry Sara. I wish I could change all these"

I'm working for hours. It's 2am now. Sara already slept. I plopped myself on the bed carefully so as not to disturb her. I looked at her. She's holding a pillow. Still the same. I remember she used to cuddle with me while sleeping. and now she's clutching the pillow. I caressed her hair a little not to wake her up.

I know Sara is mature, mature enough to understand everything. She's mature for this world but not for me. I know she didn't renovate my room and closed that room. just because she didn't want anyone to know about me. I know how she ran because I went to that room. But she is different in front of me. She's childish in front of me.

"sleep well."

Next Day.


"hello" I picked the call of Jin hyung.
"hey JK" Hobi hyung said.

"is it a conference call?" I asked.
"yes yes" now it's Jin hyung. "now listen to Sara. she's also here."

"oh.. hey Sara how are you?"
"I'm good I'm good. what about you?"
"cool as always" I giggled.

"haha now I'm coming straight to the point. Is everyone here?"
"yes" said together.

"actually I wanted a break also this is the time of Spring and I have a plan to go on a trip or picnic. what say?"

"oh wow. good idea." Namjoon hyung exclaimed.

"yes yes let's goooooooooo" it's Jimin hyung.

"yesssssssuuuuuususususu" lol Hobi hyung's excited voice. I can't help but to laugh.

"I can't go. I've already planned my schedule" Yoongi hyung interrupted.

"huh? what's that?" Namjoon hyung asked.

"I've already planned to sleep the whole day and night"

"hey you, you can sleep later." Jimin hyung said.

"no. I'm not coming. y'all enjoy"

"hey yoongi you are coming with us. end of discussion. and if you say anything more I'll beat your ass." Jin hyung said raising his voice a little making others laugh.

"so guys y'all are coming right?" Sara asked.

"yes but to where?" Tae hyung asked after a long time.

"actually I have a villa and the location is so beautiful filled with mountains, river and nature. I thought that would be good because we always have busy schedules and we barely get time to enjoy and I thought what else can help us except nature. that's why. is it okay? I can change if you guys want any other location."

"no no no it's great. you're absolutely right and it'll be fun." Namjoon hyung said.

"I wasn't excited but that sounds good" yoongi hyung yawned. oh god he's sleepy always.

"Yes, so let's go this weekend. what say?" Tae hyung asked.

"yes but...."

"but?" I asked.

"actually I've also invited y/n. I knew that you guys would agree but she wouldn't so I asked her first and she agreed God knows how"

huh? y/n? she's coming? really? oh god why is my heart beating so fast?

"oh wow. then our plan will be taking its first step." Namjoon hyung said.

"whatever." Jimin hyung said irritated.

"jimin why don't you like her?" Jin hyung asked.

"I do like her. but I'm getting that jealousy vibes towards her. everyone is giving attention to her not to me."

"that doesn't make any sense Jimin." Yoongi hyung said this time.

"you're acting like she's your long lost sister Jiminieee" Hobi hyung laughed.

"heyyyyy don't you guys dare to make any of you her brother!!!!!!! MAKE ANYTHING BUT NOT SISTER I'M TELLING YOU!" Sara raised her voice making all of us laugh. but I'm not laughing. I'm just so excited that she's coming.

"okay okay sorry sorry we won't" Hobi hyung said.

"okay so let's go this weekend okay?"

"yes" said together.

Friday night.


I'm watching Sara for 2 days. I know she's planning something behind me. I know her and her little brain. she can't hide something from me. Just wait Sara if you do something unexpected I'll not forgive you.

"pack your stuff or we will be late tomorrow"
"I'm not going in the morning. I'll go to the office because I've a meeting. I'll join you in the evening directly from the office"

"uh.. okay. but what about your stuff? at least pack them"

"I'll do that later. I'll complete this presentation first. you can pack it if you want." I said because I know this presentation will take time maybe I'll end it in the morning.


But I can clearly see that disappointment on her face.

Hello Guys!!
I'm sorry for not updating regularly. I'll update daily from now on.
I hope you guys will read this. hehe.
love you all 💜

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 ─𝐉𝐉𝐊 (𝐊𝐓𝐇) Where stories live. Discover now